Tout d’abord il faut savoir que l’ancienne carrière médicale existante dans le jeu de base n’a pas été remplacée par une nouvelle profession mais a été « améliorée » dans le pack Sims 3 Ambitions de manière a impliquer d’avantage le joueur dans cette fonction de docteur. Les heures « normales » de travail se passe comme dans le jeu de base à huis clos à l’hôpital de la ville. Et les « missions » se déroulent pendant le temps libre de votre sims. Autant dire que ce n’est pas un métiers de tout repos.
=> Character traits related to the profession: There are no real character traits specific to this profession, but the "genius" trait can help with learning logic.
=> Long-term wishes related to the profession: To become a world-renowned surgeon.
=> To start a medical career: Go to the city hospital.
To get promoted, you will have more or less the same skills to work on throughout your career namely:
- Logical: nothing new here. Chess, book or telescope and it's done.
- Mood: Nothing new either.
- Research: Your sims will have to test experimental treatments on themselves or on others. Note that a total stranger will not accept to take the pills you hand him! The effects of these treatments are varied and can sometimes influence the mood considerably. It can range from simple nausea to fainting to unexplained euphoria. The pharmaceutical industry will reward you with a few simflouz for your efforts.
Summary table
Level | Title | Skills/Responsibilities | Salary |
1 | Organ donor | Mood + Logic | / |
2 | Stovetop Asticator | Mood + Logic | / |
3 | Medical Auxiliary | Mood + Logic + Research | 31$/h |
4 | Medical Intern | Mood + Logic + Research | 36$/h |
5 | Internal | Mood + Logic + Research | 81$/h |
6 | Emergency surgeon | Mood + Logic + Research | 97$/h |
7 | Geneticist | Mood + Logic + Research | / |
8 | Researcher in infectious diseases | Mood + Logic + Research | 213$/h |
9 | Neurosurgeon | Mood + Logic + Research | 248$/h |
10 | World-renowned surgeon | Mood + Logic + Research | / |
Various missions can occur at any time. Some of them will allow you to see your Sims in action
- Medical emergency: someone gets sick while you are lounging in a public place and you have to help him/her
- The Medical Outreach Program
- Free neighborhood clinic: takes place in one of the community places. The whole city or almost the whole city comes and you have to diagnose a maximum of sims in 4 hours.
- Free vaccination clinic.
- Tinkering mission.
- Expert opinion.
These missions occur randomly. Note that you can cause them to happen (I don't find this particularly useful but hey..) To do so, enter the code Testincheatsenabled True and click on a community location while holding down the Shift key (up arrow). The option " create the mission "You can choose the mission you want to play. Please note that not all missions are available everywhere.
In addition to the missions you can (and should as a good doctor who respects himself) ensure the follow-up of your patients. To do so, go to the inventory, click on the phone, on " more "then on ensure the follow-up of the patient. You will then have the choice of making a home visit or checking in by phone.
If you have anything to add to this medical career file, please feel free to do so!