Sims 3 cheat codes

Dans Les Sims 3, les codes de triche, alias cheat codes, permettent de dépasser les limites du jeu pour décorer les intérieurs de votre maison plus librement ou avoir des pouvoirs supplémentaires sur vos Sims et leurs besoins. Pour vous en servir, rien de bien compliqué, on vous explique tout !

How to activate Sims 3 cheat codes?

To activate the cheat console (the blue bar into which codes are entered), press Ctrl + Shift + C simultaneously.

Sims 3 cheat keyboard

In the small text bar at the top of your screen, you can type in one of the cheat codes listed below, then press Enter to activate it.

Construction cheat codes

Ces cheats codes vous permettent principalement de ne pas avoir à respecter les règles du Mode Achat/Construction. Pour les derniers codes, vous aurez besoin d’activer le testingcheatsenabled true avant de saisir la triche en question.

MoveObjects onAllows you to place objects as you want (including sims and objects in use) Type moveobjects off to disable the code.
DisablesnappingtoslotsonaltSame principle as the previous one. Once activated, hold down the Alt key, this allows you to ignore the automatic placement of objects
ConstrainFloorElevation falseAllows you to modulate the terrain and build walls and foundations on uneven ground. Disable the code by typing "Constrainfloorelevation true".
Testingcheatsenabled true + restrictBuildBuyInBuildings true/false Allows you to modify VIP add-on apartments (see below)
Testingcheatsenabled true + PlaceFriezes on/offPermet d’utiliser les fondations de la même manière que l’on pouvait utiliser les podiums dans les Sims 2 et ainsi de les placer sur les étages ou sur des toits plats par exemple afin de créer des effets spéciaux.
Testingcheatsenabled true + buydebugLe buydebug Sims 3 vous permet d’activer le menu de débogage du Mode Achat et de débloquer des centaines de nouveaux objets normalement réservés à certains types de terrain. Vous pourrez par exemple construire vos propres tombeaux avec des pièges si vous avez l’extension Destination Aventure, générer des poissons, des graines et autres collectionnables.
Sims 3 debugging mode buydebug

Sims 3 Silver Codes

You can earn quick cash in The Sims 3 with these cheat codes, motherlode being the best-known of them all!

KachingAdds 1000 § to your wallet
MotherlodeAdds 50 000§ to your wallet
familyfunds familyname sumAdds a selected amount to the household fund Attention this code works only when the code "testingCheatsEnabled true" is activated and, that you are in the family
freeRealEstateThis code allows you to place any family in any house when you are in the edit city mode (even if the household funds are insufficient)

Sims 3 cheat codes various

resetSim First Name Last NameAllows you to reset a Sims (when it is buggy or you can't find it in the game)
jokePleaseAllows you to randomly make a joke appear in the input console.
fullscreenAllows you to switch from full screen to windowed mode, and vice versa
unlockOutfits on Unlocks all the outfits related to the professions in the game. To be activated before entering the Create a Style
testingCheatsEnabled trueThis code offers a multitude of possibilities you can hold down the Shift key and simultaneously click on the letterbox.

Testingcheatsenabled true in The Sims 3

Perhaps one of the best-known codes in gaming, the testingCheatsEnabled allows you to unlock a whole host of interactions used by the developers to test the game. These codes can affect Sims' needs, careers, relationships, etc.

testingcheatsenabled true sims 3

To be precise, by activating it, you can :

  • Make all the sims in your household happy (raise all the needs bars to max)
  • Bringing in a visitor
  • Instantly bring in an NPC (cleaning lady, repairman, reaper,...)
  • Set Career: You can select a career and a level for your Sim
  • Deactivate the needs (you don't need to eat or sleep anymore,...)
  • Create friends (randomly)
  • Getting to know everyone
  • Add or remove creatures from your neighborhood (requires Super Powers)

If, instead of clicking on the mailbox, you click on your Sims you will be able to :

  • Change your character traits
  • Activate the age transition, i.e. make it age (it is not possible to make it younger)
  • Modify the Sim in the CAS
  • Choose your level of fame
  • Choose your favorite type of music

If you click on other sims you can :

  • Add them to your home
  • Activate the age transition

By holding down the Ctrl key and dragging the mouse (left click pressed) over your sims' needs bar, you can increase or decrease it! Handy for killing sims ;) Note that this only works in Life mode, and only if needs are not blocked. The same applies to the relationship bar, where you can increase or decrease the friendship or romantic relationship.

Still holding down the key, you can delete a state of mind simply by right-clicking on it.

Finally, by clicking on the ground of a plot of land, you can teleport a Sim to that precise spot. You can also open the Purchase Mode of a community plot, or trigger a mission related to your work.

Sims 3 Destination Adventure Cheat Codes

With the Sims 3 Destination Adventure expansion, only one code has been added, the allowObjectsOnRoofs on which allows you to place objects on a roof.

Tomb of the Sims 3 Destination Adventure

Sims 3 Ambitions Codes

In this additional disc, three cheats have been added:

  • ageupNPC : This one is unlikely to be of any use to you, as it ages a toddler in your home and turns him into an NPC...
  • AlwaysBuyBuild Unlocks Buy/Build mode including during events
  • DiscoMaptags on Hide the terrain icons above the city view

Sims 3 VIP Access cheats

With VIP Access, you can use the cheat code RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings truewhich will be invaluable to anyone building apartment blocks or blocks of apartments. It unlocks all the construction tools you don't normally have access to in these types of terrain.

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3 commentaires

  1. Avatar photo

    "To activate the cheat console (the blue bar into which codes are entered), press Ctr + Shift + C simultaneously. 

  2. Avatar photo

    Hello, I admit I'm not very clever, but where can we write down the codes? :s

  3. Avatar photo

    A new cheat sheet is available for Ile de Rêve. It allows you to discover all the hidden islands of Isla Paradiso: DiscoverAllUnchartedIslands

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