Sims 2 Cheat Codes

Vous aimez tricher ? Les Sims 2 proposent des dizaines de cheat codes pour vous permettre de débloquer des interactions et de modifier le comportement du jeu et de vos Sims ! Voici la liste, normalement complète, des code triche Sims 2. Et par ordre alphabétique, s’il vous plaît !

You will find cheats codes to improve needs, add money to your home, hide the prism or even stop your Sims from aging.

How do I activate a Sims 2 cheat code?

Activating codes in The Sims 2 is easy! Simultaneously press the Ctrl Shift and C keys. In the text bar at the top of your screen, type one of the codes, then press Enter!

Sims 2 cheat code entry bar

Sims 2 codes

AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off]Activates an interaction for NPCs to add them to your family.
agesimscheat onActivate the anti-aging cheat code by clicking on a Sim while holding down the Shift key.
aging on/offPrevents Sims from aging. This can disrupt the smooth flow of the game, and little Johnny will never grow up, so don't set this code lightly.
aspirationLevel [0-5]Gives aspiration reward points to the selected Sim.
aspirationPoints *num*Applies the chosen suction level to the selected Sim.
(*num* being equal to the number of points)
autoPatch on/offThis cheat code allows you to reactivate notifications informing you of the availability of updates for The Sims 2. In other words, it's no longer useful.
bloom [r g b x] (rgb = colors ; x = blur intensity) [0.0 - 1.0] This code adds a blur effect, similar to the flashback effect in sitcoms. This code only works if you have entered "boolProp enablePostProcessing true".
boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true/false Allows objects to be rotated 45° instead of the 90° allowed for most objects.
boolProp controlPets on/off To be able to control the animals.
boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled true/false Enables Buy/Build mode tools that would normally be disabled on a dormitory lot.
boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false Allows you to use post-processing cheat codes, very useful for making movies. Note that to use this cheat code, your graphics card must be able to shade the pixels (pixel shader technology). If you use it and your card does not have this technology, there is a good chance that your screen will turn partially black until you disable the enablePostProcessing cheat code. Display problems may also occur during the playback of cinematics if this code is enabled.
boolProp petActionCancel [true/false] Allows you to cancel the actions of the animals
bugJarTimeDecay [on|off] Keeps fireflies alive forever.
changeLotZoning [residential | community | greek | dorm | secretsociety | hotel] Change the zone type of the neighborhood. Before you can change the zone type of a neighborhood with this cheat code, make sure that no Sim lives there. To use this cheat code, enter the neighborhood whose zone you want to change and enter the code by choosing one of the zone options.
deleteAllFences Remove all fences from the property
deleteAllWalls Removes all walls from the field
deleteAllAwnings Removes all blinds from the field
deleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs] Remove all stairs, doors and windows from the grounds
deleteAllHalfWalls Remove all half walls from the field
exit Close the cheat window.
expand Enlarges or reduces the cheat window.
familyfunds NAME XXXX Allocate the indicated amount of money to a family in the neighborhood.
(NAME is the family name. Spaces and special characters in the family name prevent the code from working, XXX is the amount to give)
filmGrain [val] [0.0-1.0] This code gives a grainy effect to the image. This code only works if you entered "boolProp enablePostProcessing true".
Forcetwins When a Sim is pregnant, select her and enter this code to give birth to twins immediately.
help Displays the list of all cheat codes in the game.
help [cheat code name]. Displays detailed information about the cheat code.
kaching Get 1,000 simflouzs at once
letterBox [val] [0.0-0.4] Switches the display to movie mode. This code only works if you have entered "boolProp enablePostProcessing true".
lockAspiration [on/off] Stops the decline/gain of suction.
maxMotives Fills the needs bar of all Sims in the field (controllable or not).
motherlode Get 50,000 simflouzs at once.
motiveDecay [on/off] Stops/Starts the decline of the needs bar.
moveObjects on/off Removes distance limitations for placing objects in Buy mode and Build mode. Removes the limitations of the Hand tool for objects that are in use or cannot normally be moved. Note that this cheat code allows you to delete objects that normally cannot be moved, such as the Sims, the mailbox and the trash can. If these objects are deleted, you will have no way to recover them, so operate with caution!
Plumbbobtoggle [on/off] Disables the diamond. Ideal for movies.
roofslopeangle [15-75] Adjusts the angle of all roofs in the neighborhood.
setLotLightingFile [filename] Allows the player to create a new lighting file with field-specific values. Used to configure special lighting settings for a given field.
showHeadlines [on/off] (for all Sims in the field)
Required for movies. Hides/displays all thought bubbles, dialogue bubbles and ++/- titles.
slowMotion [value] This cheat code allows you to apply a "slow" parameter to the game (syntax: slowMotion 4). The accepted values are from 0 to 8, 0 being the normal speed and 8 the slowest speed.
terraintype desert Change the type of terrain to "desert".
terraintype concrete Change the type of land to "ordinary neighbourhood".
unlockCareerRewards The selected Sim gains immediate access to all the career awards in the catalog.
thumbnail [centerX centerY X] (X = fading factor) [0.0 - 1.0] Adds a blur effect around the specified center. If you enter "thumbnail 0.5 0.5 0.5", the edges of the screen should blur. Vignette 0.5 0.5 1.0 is the maximum level of edge blurring. This code only works if you entered "boolProp enablePostProcessing true".

The boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

C’est le code qui va vous permettre de faire le plus de choses dans Les Sims 2, le boolprop testingcheatsenabled vous permet d’accéder à des dizaines d’interactions réservées normalement aux développeurs. C’est d’ailleurs l’une des raisons pour lesquelles vous devez faire particulièrement attention au moment de l’utiliser.

boolprop testingcheatsenabled true Sims 2

Tout se fait en appuyant sur la touche Majuscule. Cliquez ensuite sur un Sims pour modifier son aspiration, les rendre malade, les tuer, les ajouter au foyer,… Vous pouvez aussi faire apparaitre divers objets de debug comme la lampe du génie et tout un tas d’appareils géniaux qui vous permettront d’absolument tout gérer même les petits détails de chaque Sim.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 2:  The aspirations in The Sims 2

By clicking on the mailbox, you'll get interactions that let you manage the mood of the sims in the household or make friends.

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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