As your Sim gets older, it may occur to you to expand their home. Since there are multiple ways to do this and we've covered the way Sims players are most familiar with (aka the snap, we know you!), today we're going to introduce you to the adoption process which is perhaps a little less used and yet quite simple.
Adopting a Sim child
When I said it was a simple process, that was an understatement. To adopt a child, all you have to do is click on your computer or phone and in the Home section, choose Adopt. It will cost you 1000 simflouzs to adopt a child.
Then follows the moment of choosing the child you want. Note that by hovering over their head you can see their age.
Your Sim will then go to the adoption center to pick up the child. There is no "trial" before the child joins the home. You will simply be asked to choose a name for the new arrival.
As a bonus, you'll leave with a happy state of mind called "Prefabricated Child" and the possibility of taking parental leave.
Adopting a dog or cat
With the extension The Sims 4 Cats and DogsIn addition to adopting children, you can use social services to adopt an animal. This works in much the same way, but you have a trial period before the dog or cat joins you permanently.
The adoption agent will come with a crate and the animal and you will have some time to get to know each other before clicking on Adopt, which will cost you 200 simflouz.