The Research and Debate competence

Cette semaine, nous nous intéressons à la compétence Recherche et Débats qui arrive avec l’extension Les Sims 4 À La Fac. Let's discover together how to progress and what are the advantages of it!

Level 1 Research and Debate

How to build up the Research and Debate competence?

Ideal mood to raise the skill faster: the trust.

There are 5 ways to develop the Research and Debate skill (note that some ways are unlocked depending on your level):

  • By purchasing (either on a computer or from a library) and reading the skill books.
  • Using the debate podium
  • Using the electromagnetic archiving and retrieval machine
  • Using a mirror, with the action "practice debating"
  • Take a class using the phone (250 Simflouzs)

La machine d’archivage Sims 4

Outil indispensable si vous souhaitez pratiquer cette compétence : la machine d’archivage. Vous en trouverez une dans toutes les bibliothèques qui se respectent ou dans le Mode Achat. Grâce à la machine d’archivage et de recherches électromagnétique, ils vont pouvoir aussi se préparer pour leurs futurs débats, et donc de potentiellement les gagner. Le pouvoir de persuasion de vos Sims s’améliorent aussi petit à petit !

The Sims 4: In College Archiving Machine

Details of each level of the skill

Level 2

Level 2 Research and Debate

That's it, your Sim reads the books faster and will be able to read a lot more! He can also debate several topics, and more exactly 6 different topics, using the debate podium.

The Sims 4: In College Debate
Debate topic - The Sims 4: In College

Level 3

Level 3 Research and Debate

The Research and Debate skill is used by students. At level 2, the Sims font leurs devoirs beaucoup plus vite et cela va leur permettre de dégager du temps libre. Ils peuvent maintenant préparer un débat sur la machine d’archivage et le pouvoir de persuasion de vos Sims s’améliore aussi petit à petit !

If you want to progress in other Sims 4 skills, we recommend this guide:  How to ski, sled or snowboard?

Level 4

The Sims 4 - Level 4 Research and debate

As said before, this skill is very useful for student Sims: they will progress faster and therefore get better grades, but it can also help to progress in other skills, thanks to the electromagnetic filing and retrieval machine.

Research - The Sims 4: In College
Research - The Sims 4: In College

Level 5

Level 5 Research and debate

We all know the pain of eating in college housing. When your Sim is hungry, no food is there or is out of date and when he is not hungry, it's a party! You won't have any problem with that anymore, your Sim is now more persuasive and can ask his roommates to make dinner. And if you have to leave in the evening and your homework is not done for the next day, this is also no longer a problem, since other Sims can do it for you. Save time!

Level 6

Level 6 Research and debate

Whether it's in the IRL or in The Sims, essays and presentations are a real pain to do. But no worries for your SimsNow it will go faster! Your Sim can also contribute to the database on the archiving and electromagnetic research machine on some skills you have learned. This can help you earn some simflouz to pay for your studies. But beware of mental exhaustion. Thinking too much is not very good!

The Sims 4: In College - Mental Exhaustion

Level 7

In addition to the kitchen, the cleaning is a problem in a roommate ... Who does what? And often it doesn't end up in anything at all and everything is lying around. And it won't be a problem from here on! Your Sim can convince others Sims to do it for them.

If you want to progress in other Sims 4 skills, we recommend this guide:  The Sims 4 charisma skill

Level 8

New way to save some simflouzs: write articles on a computer. And now, by reading skill books, your Sim will learn faster, so you can get on quickly!

The Sims 4: In College - Personal Computer

Level 9

After your studies, hello working life! You find the salary of your Sim a little low to pay for your house and student loan, ask your boss for a small bonus. Be careful, not every day, you must not abuse, respect a small delay!

Level 10

That's it, you've reached the maximum level of the skill! And this will allow you to earn some extra simflouz with professional debates and comments!

The Sims 4: In College - Debates

If you want to read on, you can find the rest of the news on The Sims 4 Discover University on the site.

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