Lord of the Rings-themed CC Sims 4

With the release this week of the Lord of the Rings series on Prime, and having seen the films for the first time this summer (it was about time I got round to it), it was only natural to devote a Web Treasures article to a small selection of content for The Sims 4 devoted to this franchise. Fantasy fans be prepared, there's something for everyone.


Of course, let's start with the characters: many players have created their own versions of the actors from the films. From Frodo and Legolas to Gollum and Gandalf, the gallery features more or less all of them. All are available in the gallery, and you can find more by searching for the hashtag #lordoftherings.


Several settings from the films have been reproduced in-game, but two in particular caught my eye. First, Rivendell, the setting of the Council of Elrond for those in the know, is available in your game thanks to The Sim Scrolls. A particularly well-detailed and magical terrain.

It can be downloaded from the gallery in two formats, a first for Windenbrug and another for Henford-on-Baglay or Brindleton Bay.

And of course, we can't talk about The Lord of the Rings without including in our game those little houses where the Hobbits live. They've also been reproduced for the game.

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You have a first version with a whole village built without any packs. It's a shame that it's just a set with one big house hidden behind it, but it's a nice touch if you want to take photos or videos.

A picturesque, flower-filled hobbit village.

If you prefer an individual plot, you can go for this little house hidden in a large rock and built by Yilvie.

Fairy-tale house, flower garden.

Last but not least, a number of Hobbit-inspired houses built by Simproved. Their look is not quite what you'd expect, but they have the merit of being fully functional.

The bonus

TheSimStream has built a magic book on a plot of land, based on the Lord of the Rings theme. This book is available in the form of a plot of land, but is undoubtedly more beautiful in pictures than with a Sim living in it. Here's his Speed Build:

You can find more information on the subject of CC Sims 4 on the site.

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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