Mermaids and tritons in The Sims 4 Paradise Islands

C’est la dernière venue du côté des créatures grâce au pack Sims 4 Iles Paradisiaques : la sirène (ou triton pour ces messieurs).

How to become a mermaid?

There are 5 different ways to transform yourself. Here are two of the simplest and most logical. For new Sims, simply click on the + to select the creature you wish to create. You'll then see a Sim dressed as a mermaid appear. The other, less orthodox method, but for those who want to go fast, you can use cheating traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaidSimple and effective... You'll also find Sirenic Kelp in your Sim's long term rewards. One bite should transform him. A second will have the opposite effect.

Create mermaid sims 4 Island Living

Mermaids, like other creatures, have two forms. Your mermaid keeps her legs for most of her life, and transforms as soon as she sets foot in the water. She can then swim to her heart's content, a little faster than other Sims. Incidentally, if you live near the sea, your sim will tend to go swimming a lot... I don't know if this is particularly fun for him or if it's to fulfill the new Hydration requirement that replaces Hygiene.

Mermaid needs sims 4 Island Living
Mermaid ocean sims 4 Island Living

Anyway, on the side of the powers of your new creatures, the famous mermaid kiss already, the mermaid song and the mermaid sims casting. Well, they don't all have this name but you understand the principle. Each use of a power consumes a little bit of your hydration gauge. One dip and you're in for another round. If you have the Seasons expansion, you can also summon the sun or the rain with the shell power.

Lullaby and kiss of mermaid newt sims 4 Island Living
Mermaid lullaby sims 4 Island Living

Finally, you can call your blue dolphin friend at any time and have fun with him, feed him and pet him. You have a bonus in the relationship with the animal compared to another sim lambda who would find one.

Dolphin blue sims 4 Island Living

If you want to read on, you can find the rest of the news on The Sims 4 Island Living on the site.

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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