Spend the weekend with
Send your kids to visit their grandparents or another relative. Or send your teenagers to a friend's house for the weekend...
This module allows you to send members of your household to stay with family or friends for a few days.
How does this module work?
To allow household members to spend time with others:
- Via the phone, you'll find the new "Spend the weekend with" option under Social (the active Sim can't be picked up, so keep that in mind when choosing which Sim to click on the Interaction!).
- The Sim (called Sim A here) you choose will pick up your household member(s) (called Sim B here).
- Sim A will appear on your Land and will open a Simpicker Menu where you can choose Sim B who will then go and spend some time with Sim A. Warning: Sim B will be removed from your home and added to Sim A's home! Keep this in mind because the household size is limited to 8 people!
- After Sim A calls Sim B, another Selector will appear so you can choose more than one Sim to be picked up by Sim A
- You can also choose pets to spend some time outdoors.
- If you don't want other Sims/pets to be retrieved, click the X (Escape/Close) button in the Simpicker window!
- Sim A should leave the Lot 30 minutes after arriving, which should be enough time to send some Sims/Animals with him.
To allow household members to return :
- In the Phone menu, under Social, you'll find the option "Call home" when a member of the household is "away".
- As with the "Spend the weekend with" interaction, a Simpicker will appear for each household member you can call home. If you don't want them all to come back, click on the X (Escape/Close) button in the Simpicker window.
- Your chosen household members will return home and be readjusted to your home.
Other info to know:
- Basically, you can send any Sim/Pet away for as long as you want.
- Household members who temporarily leave the home will gain a hidden Trait that disables death, aging and slaughter.
- When Sims return and are teenagers/children who are in the school career, their homework will be done.
- There is a basic 40% chance that Sims will make new friends when they are away (if an "unmet" Sim of the same age is available). Malicious and lonely Sims will have less chance and outgoing and socially talented Sims will have more chance.
- Sims can also learn life skills and abilities while they are away. Pets will fill the need.
- Since Sim B will be an NPC after being removed from your home, the game will treat them as an NPC! This may mean, for example, that when they leave the field, the message "I really have to go now blah blah" will appear. Or that they will be used as Walk bys, etc. I can't stop this!
- Depending on your PC/game settings/the number of Mods/CCs or when the weather is bad, such as heavy snow or rain, the Simpicker may take a while to appear, so give your Sims time to react!
- If you click Close/ESC too soon or if the Simpicker closes for some reason, you can restart the pickup loop via the new menu Pie Skip Weekend with on the Sim A "I'm here to pick up"
- You can also "Ask to leave" Sim A via the new Pie Menu, which will let it go.
Optional addon
Risky addon:
If the Risky Addon dies and aging is not disabled!
More info :
Be aware that this Mod works well with my own Mods but other Mods can influence this Mod and cancel "my" Interactions especially those that add Gameplay to the NPCs around your Lot! The same goes for certain game situations (fire/death) that influence the NPCs around them. So technically, it can happen that the NPC takes the Sim but doesn't add the Loot so you can call them back via my Mod. Instead, you have to add them to your household via the game options. I will check to see if I can prevent this from happening.
Support for the mod is available via my Discord:
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