How about a little fantasy in this world of brutes? To get away from current events for a moment, I suggest we mix two universes that are a little more cheerful: The Sims on the one hand, and video games filled with magic, dragons and other fantastic creatures on the other!
Let's start with a franchise I'm very fond of, and which will be seeing a new opus next autumn: Dragon Age! If you're unfamiliar with the game, the name alone should give you a few clues as to its universe: templars, mages, elves, dwarves and big dragons that crunch you up and make you start the fight 20 times over until you decide to change the difficulty of the game... Not at all your experience, no... Anyway, the last game released in 2014, Dragon Age Inquisition, blew me away visually, particularly with the fortress where the heroes live: Fort Celeste.

StarshinePrince posted on Reddit a reproduction of the in-game fortress. It contains everything you need to create your own medieval stories: a throne room, private quarters, a small courtyard with gardens, etc. The only negative point is that this creation was made before the Castles of Character kit, so the exterior walls are a little flat compared to what you'd expect from this type of building, but the interior is very well reproduced!
If you've ever become attached to the characters who live within these walls, you'll find a number of homes in the Gallery called "Dragon Age Inquisition", with features reproduced fairly faithfully. The main differences between the different creations will be in the outfits. Depending on your extensions, you'll be able to have Sims dressed directly in period costume or, on the contrary, Sims in city dress.

We're continuing our tour of the web with content that's sure to bring fantastic creatures into your game, starting with elves! Elves, who feature in most fantasy stories such as The Witcher, are making their arrival in The Sims 4 via CCs for the Create-A-Sim download at ModTheSims.

We've seen them in Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, but centaurs are also part of the game, with horns to add to your characters. Bellassims offers them for adults at children ! You can go galloping to download them!

Another accessory that can be worn by Sims in tune with nature, or as a tribute to the goddess of nature, Valhallan offers you a "Silvia, Queen of Autumn" wooden wreath.

We could have mentioned creations to complement the werewolves, vampires and witches already integrated into The Sims 4, but our latest CC du jour focuses on fairies. They haven't been given their own extension in this fourth opus, for the time being, so here's something to dress them up with light wings so that your Sim can soar like a nightingale! Created once again by Bellassims !

And finally, if you want to jump straight into a supernatural adventure, you might want to try downloading a full backup! Yes, just one download and you'll have completely reworked terrain, Sims and other creatures already installed, and a whole story just waiting for you. I'll let you take a look at this video of Enora testing a savegame shared by Little Red Riding Sim with, and I quote, the "BEST Save Fantasy" in the game!