Wizards in The Sims 2 Apartment Living

On a commencé à évoquer la semaine dernière l’extension The Sims 2 Apartment Life with an initial focus on shared flats and other collective residences. Today, we're going to continue our discovery of this extension with the second pillar of this pack: magic!

Smiling green witch in costume.

Witch classes

In The Sims 2, there are three types of witches. Good witches, bad witches and neutral witches. We'll look a little later at the spells that characterize them, but you can tell them apart pretty quickly by the color of their dress: white with little blue fireflies around the good guys, and black with green stars for the bad guys. Both also have a different skin color from the other Sims. Good guys turn golden, bad guys green. Neutral wizards, on the other hand, keep their original skin and are dressed in gray.

It is entirely possible for a Sim to change class after transformation. The more he studies the spells of a class, the higher his level in that class will rise, and his alignment will change accordingly. You can see where your Sim stands by clicking on his spell book and then "Check skills". The small window shows the sim's level and the spells he has unlocked.

Interface du jeu Les Sims de sorts magiques.

How do I become a witch or sorcerer in The Sims 2?

As soon as you arrive in Belladona Bay, the new district that comes with the expansion, you'll notice the home of the Cordial sisters. Two seemingly normal Simettes who are related to the two biggest witches in town. It's the easiest way to start a witches' household, but you'll also come across these "big witches" a lot in town if you ever want to play with your own Sims. Indeed, for your Sim to join their ranks, you'll first need to befriend one of them. As soon as your relationship level is high enough, you'll be prompted to "follow the path of light" or "follow the path of darkness".

Simette avec menu d'interaction.

You will of course have understood that if your Sim chooses the path of light, he will follow the "Good" alignment, and "Bad" if he follows the path of darkness.

Message des Sims avec sorcière proposant des pouvoirs.

Once transformed, your Sim will receive a number of items for practicing magic, including a spell book and a cauldron. The spell book has several interactions for studying the different paths of magic.

The hidden places

Witches have a place where they can learn and practice magic discreetly, and which is only accessible by broom. By the way, while we're on the subject, witches can use their brooms to move around any terrain. No more traffic jams!

The Palace of Infinite Light is home to good wizards, and the Fortress of Eternal Darkness to evil wizards.

Here you'll come across the Great Witches, from whom you can buy ingredients and potions.


In The Sims 2, each spell corresponds to a wizard class. So you have "beneficial" spells, "evil" spells and "neutral" spells. Note that the magic of The Sims 2 works in a rather strange way: they need ingredients to be able to use their wand. Without them, it's impossible to use spells.

Sorcière  avec baguette magique.

Ingredients can be purchased from the local Grand Witch or made on site.

Notez aussi que certains sorts nécessitent des extensions. Comme celui qui invoque un familier qui n’est rien d’autre qu’un chat auprès de la sorcière et qui a donc besoin des Sims 2 Animaux & Cie.

Beneficial spells

0Bonhumeurus Simae1 Dragon Scale / 1 Mystic DustMakes the Sim feel good
0Creatum Insecto1 Essence of Light / 1 Mystic DustInvokes butterflies or fireflies
0Magnificus Locus1 Dragon Scale / 1 Essence of Light / 1 Mystic Dust / 2 Crystallized MoonbeamsImproves weather
2Exflammo1 Dragon Scale / 1 Mystic DustExtinguish a fire
3Remedis Simae1 Essence of Light / 1 Mystic Dust / 1 Crystallized MoonbeamHeals a Sim
5Touto Acceptus1 Dragon Scale / 1 Mystic Dust / 2 Crystallized MoonbeamsThe Sim becomes friendly
6Appello Serviteurus1 Dragon Scale / 2 Essences of Light / 1 Mystic Dust / 1 Crystallized MoonbeamInvokes a ghost to take care of housework
7Bonhumeurus Populus2 Essences of Light / 1 Mystic Dust / 2 Crystallized MoonbeamsImproves the mood of household members
9Rapidus Amicus1 Dragon Scale / 1 Mystic DustAdd Sim as a friend
9Repousso Mortis2 Dragon Scales / 2 Essences of Light / 2 Crystallized MoonbeamsRepels the Grim Reaper if a Sim dies

Neutral spells

0Aqua Disparitionus1 Mystic dust / 1 Crystallized moonbeamEliminates puddles
0Corpus Propus2 Mystic DustMeets hygiene needs
0Feuillum Disparitionus1 Triton Eyes / 1 Mystic DustCleans leaf piles
1Corpus Athleticus1 Dragon Scale / 2 Mystic DustMake a Sim lose weight
1Corpus Enormus2 Dragon Scales / 1 Mystic DustMake a Sim bigger
3MagivestigiumTeleport the Sim
4Creatum Nutrimens2 Dragon Scales / 1 Mystic DustCooking a dish for the Sim
4Expulso Simae1 Dragon Scale / 1 Newt EyesMakes a Sim disappear temporarily
5Apello Amicus Felinus1 Dragon Scale / 3 Mystic DustInvokes a familiar cat
6Purgomagus2 Dragon Scales / 2 Mystic DustRemoves spells that affect the Sim
7Appello Simae2 Dragon Scales / 2 Mystic Dust / 1 Crystallized MoonbeamInvokes knowledge
9Magus Mutatio1 Dragon Scale / 2 Newt Eyes / 1 Mystic Dust / 2 Crystallized MoonbeamsTransforms a Sim into a sorcerer of the same class
10Tempus Interruptus2 Dragon Scales / 1 Triton Eyes / 2 Mystic Dust / 1 Crystallized MoonbeamStop time

Evil spells

0Spiritus Poupoulus1 Triton Eyes / 2 Mystic DustDrives the Sim mad
0Attackum Melliferum2 Eye of Triton / 1 Essence of ViperInvokes bees to attack the Sim
0Corruptus Locus1 Dragon Scale / 2 Triton Eyes / 1 Mystic Dust / 1 Essence of ViperInvokes lightning, rain and cockroaches
2Inflammo2 Triton Eyes / 1 Mystic DustLights a fire
3Nauseus Creatus1 Eye of Triton / 1 Mystic Dust / 1 Essence of ViperMake a Sim sick
5Allo Detesto1 Dragon Scale / 1 Triton Eyes / 1 Mystic Dust / 2 Viper EssencesThe Sim gets angry
6Serviterus Attaquae1 Dragon Scale / 1 Triton Eyes / 1 Mystic Dust / 1 Essence of ViperInvokes a ghost to fight another Sim
7Tabula Rasa1 Triton Eyes / 2 Mystic DustErase a Sim's memories
8Extractum Amorus1 Dragon Scale / 2 Triton Eyes / 1 Mystic Dust / 2 Viper EssencesRemoves all feelings of love
9Vivificus Zombiae2 Dragon Scales / 2 Triton Eyes / 2 Viper EssencesResurrect a Sim in zombie form


Like all good wizards, sims can also brew potions in their cauldrons. From level 1, you can cure most of the creatures released in The Sims 2. Potions can also be used to modify the Sims' personalities.

1Witch HuntThe Sim loses his powers and returns to normal
1ChlorophyrinHeals a Vegesim
1VampirocilineHeals a Vampire
1Delyncanthropic PotionHeals a werewolf
4Enchanted Essence of Dog TailsSim temporarily loses all sympathy points
4Magic spiced sugarSim temporarily gains all sympathy points
7Love potion 8.5Makes the Sim irresistible
7Pre-dosed oublicinReset preferences and kill a sim's love

Magic objects

With the cauldron assigned to your Sim at transformation, wizards can create objects. They can build three lighting fixtures: a ceiling lamp, a floor lamp and a wall lamp in the colors of their class.

At maximum skill level, they can also build themselves a throne of "light" for the good guys, or "darkness" for the bad guys, which will fulfill their needs by sitting on it. A good sorcerer who sits on an evil sorcerer's throne, on the other hand, will see his needs diminish until death, and vice versa.

Simette près d'un chaudron magique.

If you want to read on, you can find the rest of the news on The Sims 2 Apartment Life on the site.

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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