The criminal career in The Sims 4

Last week, I talked about my desire to see the thief in our Sims houses again. After realizing that a siege in front of EA's offices would take too much time and money, I decided to find out more about the criminal career present in The Sims 4. (In fact, I was driven out of EA's offices after 20 minutes, shouting "The thief, it's in, we want to see him back home! " ).

It's time for my sims to pick up their phones and embark on a career of crime! Hacking, purse snatching, and the "game" of sneaky doorbells at the neighbor's house await us. Get ready, there's going to be some action!

Being a criminal in sims seems to be as easy as any other job. Grab a phone or computer (with force and intimidation, you're a kingpin now) and choose the criminal career.

Criminal career sims 4

For the moment, nothing very brilliant, you'll be a small, worthless strike and easily replaced by the first soldier, but the job rhymes with two things. Patience and malice!

The criminal career in The Sims 4
The criminal career in The Sims 4

Indeed, you will have to be the worst possible neighbor if you aspire to climb the ladder quickly. A mockery here, an electric shock (more or less well measured) there. Nothing should make you back down in your ascent of high criminal. And too bad if everyone hates you afterwards! There are choices to be made and yours is now sealed.

The criminal career in The Sims 4
Making the sims 4 pockets
Find out about valuable sims 4 goods

You will need to be selfless and versatile. So once at work, choose your path for the day. You will have the choice between :
Sucking up to the boss: improves the malice skill.
Make contacts: improve your social need.
Leave work early: you go home and risk getting fired.
Relaxing: improves your need for entertainment.
Hard work: improves progress towards a promotion.

If you're looking for another profession for your Sims, take a look at our guide on  The Sims 4 freelance career

Don't forget that this branch requires a real investment. And that body and soul! So, take the time to strut your stuff in front of the mirror (your charisma will be enhanced) and walk for miles in short strides to keep your figure trim and agile. Fitness is your friend (An air duct? It's for you! Finally, get to know your computer keyboard more and more and its programming possibilities. It would be a shame to see a heist fail because you couldn't crack the code of the safe (The combination was: 1 2 3 4). The key words: Charisma, Fitness, Programming and Malice. (Well, these are skills to be developed but you get the idea).

The criminal career in The Sims 4
The criminal career in The Sims 4
The criminal career in The Sims 4

And sometimes fate will present itself to you. Opportunity or tragedy the choice will be yours to discover.

After several promotions, in addition to your desire to laugh like a video game villain at every turn, the crucial moment of your professional orientation will arrive. Because it is common knowledge that for a criminal organization to function well, you have to specialize. You can choose between "Aspiring Oracle" and "Boss".

Criminal career sims 4
Oracle sims 4
Boss branch Criminal career sims 4

The choice you make here will determine the kind of "bad people" you'll be dealing with. Oracle will open the door to cyber-crime. Consider painting a skull and crossbones on your PC. I assure you, it'll look great! Becoming a boss, on the other hand, will make you a person respected and feared by all! With Coppola's Godfather as your role model, you won't hesitate to plunge the city into relative chaos (background music in addition). And since you're not doing this for free, expect to get rich and receive beautiful "artifacts" proving that you are a true criminal devil! The salary will not be outdone since the higher you climb in the terrible organization, the bigger your nest egg will be. Starting with 9 simflouz per hour you will reach no less than 316 simflouz per hour at the end of your career! A nice progression, not counting all the stolen items and bribes.

The criminal career in The Sims 4
The criminal career in The Sims 4
The criminal career in The Sims 4
The criminal career in The Sims 4
The criminal career in The Sims 4

Now it's up to you to seize your destiny! Because until the thief (the real one) arrives in our games, we will need people like you! Ready to sacrifice a quiet life to come and break the feet of the remains of your sims.

If you're looking for another profession for your Sims, take a look at our guide to the  The Sims 4 Technology Guru Career

The world fears you. It trembles and sweats with apprehension.

The criminal career in The Sims 4
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