Fame and reputation

Autre grosse nouveauté de l’extension Les Sims 4 Heure de Gloire, la célébrité et la réputation.

These are two separate elements. Fame will determine if you will be recognized in the street, if you will have fans, paparazzi after you, etc. Reputation determines your image in society. If you deface street furniture for example, your grade will go down.

The celebrity

To be famous among the Sims, you "just" have to perform some actions that will increase your fame level. These actions are indicated with a small "+ fame" in green. This can be anything from singing in the street to handing out tickets to everyone who passes by. New options to be recognized are unlocked in most careers and skills.

Public image Sims 4 Get Famous
Increase sims 4 fame hour

Fame is composed of several tiers ranging from rookie to global superstar. Each level unlocks fame points allowing you to obtain advantages linked to your image. On the other hand, depending on your actions, you will get "specificities" that will determine your star's whims like eating only perfect food or looking at yourself in the mirror all the time.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 4:  Having only one family per world in The Sims 4

Note that it is possible to disable the notoriety directly in the game options.

Sims 4 Get Famous game options

The reputation

As explained above, the reputation is the image that you send out. The more you do good deeds, the more opportunities the Sims will have. There are 3 levels of good and bad reputation. If you have a great reputation, you will be able to organize charity events and the Sims will be more lenient with you. On the other hand, if you have an atrocious reputation, it will be more difficult to build relationships except by bribing other Sims.

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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