The Sims 4 sad clown

Hello ! Today I'd like to introduce you to the all-new Sad Clown from The Sims 4 ... What? Do you feel like crying? But no ... wait ... come back ... don't go crying ... Yes, I know, you're angry with me, it's sunny, the heat is back and I'm offering you the sad clown. Well, let's find out anyway.

Remember, in a previous update to the game, the developers added a Sad Clown painting. As a reminder, this painting makes your Sims want to cry. But now it's even worse: the clown is real!The Sims 4 sad clown

Un jour en me baladant au parc de Willow creek, une envie soudaine d’aller au WC fit surface. Et dans le hall de ceux-ci, un tout nouveau tableau était affiché … celui du clown triste. Une violente envie de pleurer s’empara de moi … et je fondis en larmes… Un petit message apparut alors à ce moment en haut de mon écran :

And there, at the entrance to the park ... through the window ... I saw the sad clown coming: "Oh no, Flash, what are you doing ...". You can see above the clown, when you hover your mouse over it, its function is marked in red (in this case, Sad Clown). So it's an NPC.

This clown can appear randomly on a field, or, as I just did, cry in front of his portrait. He talks to just about everyone, spreading his sad mood. For example, I saw him talking to a child who cried right afterwards, poor guy ... I ... have ... tears in my eyes ...

To complete your reading on supernatural creatures in The Sims 4, you can read our guide on  Plantsims in The Sims 4

This clown can chat, juggle and look at his painting. An exciting life! When he juggles, he always misses, and a little music comes on: "Pouah pouah pouaaaah" (the music when you miss, you know?). Now you know what I mean. Personally, when I discovered this, I smiled - it makes me laugh more than anything else!

I chatted with this clown for a while, but then I went home. And surprise, he appeared at my place: the damn clown followed me! And he started juggling, which is how I discovered him. In any case, he quickly got the hell out of my house - I didn't want to see him!

To finish exploring the sad clown, two new states of mind appear! When you're near the clown, one gives you sadness. A second makes you happy and tells you not to spread sadness around. That's right, don't spread your depression to the whole neighborhood.

Well, now, a little tour in the CAS. Indeed, you have the possibility to become a sad clown! So in total: a hairstyle, three new make-ups, an outfit in two colors and a pair of shoes in two colors too.The Sims 4 sad clownThe Sims 4 sad clown

To complete your reading on supernatural creatures in The Sims 4, you can read our guide on  The monster under the bed in The Sims 4

My wife didn't like my outfit ... she immediately had a fit of grief and started crying ... Be careful not to hurt anyone with this outfit, it's ... dangerous and depressive!
Wearing this suit gives you (yes I know) a negative state of mind!The Sims 4 sad clownThe Sims 4 sad clown

Just to play a bit, I went juggling in the park, because we can do that too! But everyone started crying... I'm definitely depressed...The Sims 4 sad clownThe Sims 4 sad clown

And that's it for this week. I hope you haven't emptied your box of tissues, otherwise I'm ... de... solé... Anyway, I think this clown is a good addition that adds a bit of fun gameplay, even if it's not much, it can make you laugh or cry sometimes, and it gives the game a little extra charm! I think I'll go back to crying ... in any case, I wish you all an excellent Sunday!

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