How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

Si vous commencez à construire dans Les Sims 4, vous êtes peut-être parti à la recherche d’inspiration sur internet. L’un des moyens auquel vous avez peut être pensé c’est de partir d’un plan pour reproduire une maison en jeu. Une méthode qui va demander un peu de minutie mais qui va vous permettre d’arriver à un résultat digne des meilleurs architectes.

You'll see that I'm not very good at decorating Sims houses. This method where you just have to reproduce a plan is perfect if you want to build something personalized but following the advice of a real architect/decorator.

Find a plan

Pour construire une maison dans Les Sims 4 à partir d’un plan, il vous faut…. un plan. Jusque là vous avez suivi ! Vous en trouverez des tonnes sur internet que ce soit sur des sites de promoteurs, des sites d’architectes ou d’architecture en général. Le premier résultat sur google en cherchant « plan de maison » est a site with almost 500 shots, it can be a good base.

To start, you can take a simple one-story house like this one.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

The proportions

There are two ways to do this, depending on whether you are comfortable with proportions or not. Either you can start directly from the plan and reproduce the rooms by eye or place a grid over your plan. To have a good reference for the sizes, look at the toilets. They are one square wide in game. This will give you an idea of the rest of the sizes.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

Of course, unlike architects in real life, you will have the ability to resize your rooms once they are built if you need to. If you still have some difficulties, if you have a sheet of paper nearby you can use it to plot your house.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 4:  How to use the gallery on PC, Mac and consoles?

For the following I will consider that one meter on the plan corresponds to one square, so two tiles on the plan = one square in play. To see according to the site where you get your plans.

Building in the game

Once you are ready, start your game and choose a plot of land for your construction if needed. The first thing to think about here is that you should preferably take a plot of land that is the right size for your plan. Avoid taking a huge piece of land for a starter house unless you have a 3 hectare garden planned.

Once the land is selected, we will make the outline of the house. In our case, the main house (without counting the garage on the side for the moment) we have a set that is 13×11 squares.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

Once the shell is finished, you can start placing the pieces. I'll start at the top. Since the house is not a round number of meters, I have rounded up the number of squares. You may need to make some adjustments on your end as well depending on the capabilities of the game even though The Sims 4 building mode is quite comprehensive.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

I continue with the lower rooms, the cellar will not have any use here but we could for example use it to place the washing machines.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

While we are on the outside, you can continue with the realization of the roof of your house. We had prepared here a guide to explain the different types of roofs that exist in play. In our example, the roof is normally limited to the edge of the main house with a flat roof over the garage. Since the game absolutely wants a square to avoid making a slice at the top of the roof I chose to widen it a little over the garage which reproduces a little the overhang that is visible on the starting image.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

Pour le toit plat, je change simplement la texture du sol pour un béton plus gris et j’ajoute une bordure. Je continue avec la décoration du petit jardinet devant ainsi que la clôture qui entoure la maison. Pour la porte de garage, j’ai fait avec les moyens du bord mais si jamais vous venez à atteindre les limites du jeu vous pouvez soit essayer de trouver autre chose qui correspond comme ici cette porte du pack Iles Paradisiaques soit trouver un CC qui correspond sur internet.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

Interior design next. Here we simply start with the location of the objects but no precise details in this example on the style of the interior. So I simply placed the objects for now according to what is described.

How to build a Sims 4 house from a plan?

Now you will see if the proportions are good compared to the objects in the game. Here on the whole it's pretty decent. The bathroom was a bit wide so I narrowed it by one tile. The downstairs bedroom would also deserve more objects, a desk for example. For the garage, in the absence of a real car, it is a bit complicated to judge.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 4:  Feelings in The Sims 4

Once you have everything in place, you are free to paint the walls, change the colors, styles etc. according to your taste and that of your Sims!

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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