DJ skill in The Sims 4 Get Together

In front of your amazed eyes, Lady the sublime will brave all dangers to discover a new skill both dangerous and impressive... The DJ ! .... What do you mean my intro sucks?

Oyez oyez brave people of the Amaz world! I have to share with you an extraordinary adventure that happened to me... I had a revelation: the job of a queen is too difficult so I decided to change my job. After having consulted a clairvoyant on the internet, I found the passion that will guide me in life: to become a DJ!

How do you become a DJ? Well, if you don't have the "Vivre Ensemble" add-on, you'll have to pass, as this skill is installed with this extension. But if you do, that's great, because you'll be able to rock the dance floor too! But to do that, you'll have to train first. Don't worry, you don't have to sell your grandmother to get one, as there's something to suit every budget: from 575 simflouzs to 3,000 if you're really flush with cash and don't have a bill to pay (lucky you). And if you're really penniless, various community venues also have DJ booths, and if you can get the real pro DJ out of the way, you too can get your hands on the thing for free.

DJ Sims 4 Get Together skill

Once you have the booth, you will have several options: "hire staff" (the real DJ I was talking about above, not you), make some technical adjustments thanks to the "control panel", "put it in the inventory" to be able to break people's ears anywhere and above all, go to "practice". Let's face it: I obviously don't have what the average person would call "a musical ear" and my first attempts on the turntable were not really conclusive. But I'm holding on! I also realized that you can improve your skills by listening to someone else working on the booth: here for example Fluffy was kind enough to come and listen to my first attempts and she also acquired the DJ skill.

DJ Sims 4 Get Together skill

If at the beginning the sims can only admire you mixing... ah no, just playing bad taste music, you will have to wait until level 2 to be able to change musical genre and make them dance on these pieces (and there either, it is not necessarily very glorious). The higher your skill level, the more music genres you will unlock, the more your ears will thank you. Over time you can also unlock different social options specific to your skill. But let's get back to the point: are we here to DJ or not? It's from level 4 that you can really start to mix the songs to your liking. From level 6, you can start interacting with your audience, who will jump up and down at your request, all happy with themselves. No seriously, aren't they cute?

DJ Sims 4 Get Together skill
DJ Sims 4 Get Together skill

Over time, you'll also be able to make upgrades to your cabin that will make it 100 times more classy. Look at all those lights! I'll finally be able to learn to create my own songs and show the world my musical talents! But also and especially from level 10 I will be able to influence the mood of the audience! What does that mean? I will be able to brainwash them (ok it's a joke) for a certain period of time to make them feel the emotion of my choice and that's great! For example, I made all my fans "flirty", so no doubt couples will be formed tonight! This is a really interesting aspect of this skill and very funny. Last bonus: the last level of the skill will allow you to acquire a beautiful helmet... I let you admire it.

DJ Sims 4 Get Together skill

Finally to conclude my adventure, being a DJ is not so bad especially when you can add a lot of light effects around you and you shine with a thousand lights. But finally being a queen is better, it requires a lot less effort! So I give up the turntable and take back my scepter. Watch out!

If you want to progress in other Sims 4 skills, we recommend this guide:  La compétence Fitness des Sims 4
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