Gazette 705

A la Une de votre Gazette ce dimanche, on découvre le vitiligo sur nos Sims, on apprend le déménagement du forum officiel du jeu et on fait un clin d’oeil à notre Poulet national et son nouveau mod !

Numéro 705 – 18 février 2024

The Gazette

In the spotlight

A l’occasion des 24 ans des Sims, une livraison SDX des Sims 4 est sortie cette semaine avec une nouveauté pour le Créer Un Sim que je voyais remonter assez régulièrement sur les réseaux sociaux (et qui était d’ores et déjà faisable avec des contenus personnalisés) : la possibilité d’avoir des Sims atteints du vitiligo.

Petit instant Michel Simes (Michel Cymes, vous l’avez ?). Le vitiligo est une maladie auto immune qui touche entre 1 et 2% de la population et qui se manifeste très visiblement par une décoloration de la peau. Ces répercussions vont donc faire leur entrée dans le jeu, comme l’avaient fait à l’époque les prothèses auditives ou les appareils à insuline. Le vitiligo s’ajoute dans le CAS via un nouvel onglet « Détails de la peau ».

Ajout du vitiligo sur un Sims 4 dans le mode Créer Un Sim.

Vous en avez une bonne trentaine que vous pouvez appliquer sur les épaules, les cuisses, le ventre, le visage, les bras,… de votre Sim. Il n’est pas possible de « personnaliser » la dépigmentation davantage, la couleur dépend uniquement de la couleur de peau de votre Sim.

SimGuruBat a dévoilé quelques concepts arts de cette nouvelle fonctionnalité pour montrer la façon dont la maladie a été reproduite en jeu :

Information The official forum for The Sims 4 will close its doors in July after 14 years of loyal service.

Announcement of the closure of the official Sims 4 forum

The forum will be merged with the EA AnswersHQ forum, which today serves as a self-help forum for resolving players' technical issues, to create a new group called "EA Forums", where all EA-produced games will cohabit.

The announcement details that the system used by the old forums had become far too obsolete and was only working thanks to too many patches, which led to the decision to move. The move will be carried out with some losses, as only topics open since 2022 will be migrated to the new platform. Players will be able to manually request the migration of other topics. Another difficulty is that images hosted by the forum's current host will also be lost in the process.

The current forum was opened some time after the release of The Sims 4, as a successor to the "blue forum" for The Sims 3, and another short-lived EA Forums sketch a few weeks before the release of the franchise's 4th opus.

Screenshot of the official Sims 3 forum in 2012

And for the older among us, an even more distant memory with the even bluer Sims 2 forum! I haven't managed to find an archived version of this one yet, but I'm sure it rings a bell! In any case, it's a new page that's about to open with this new EA Forums!

A nod this week in Web Treasures to a Chicken we know very well on Amaz'Sims and who shares on his Tumblr many terrains and CC and who shared a few days ago a very useful mod. Here's a presentation of the "Use the common areas of residential rental properties as community land". (we'll have to come up with a little diminutive) posted on the Down In Simsland !

Gazette 705

The principle is quite simple: the mod unlocks land features to be applied to the communal areas of your rental. These terrain features will reproduce the behavior of community terrains (in broad outline). They include :

  • Infused delights : To create a café downstairs (with an espresso bar) or a thrift shop (with a bubble tea stand) open from 8am to 8pm.
  • Meals on the go : To hire food vendors on the stands or to set up your own cafeteria (if the Années Lycée cafeteria is set up)
  • Drinks : To create a café and/or karaoke bar open from 2pm to 2am.
  • Fun zone : To create a playground for children and teenagers
  • Care facility : Provides general services for tenants. Can be used as a cafeteria if a cafeteria is on site.
Gazette 705

The housing challenge icon is replaced by a llama in this image, as I hadn't installed all the extensions at the time of my test. To work properly, you'll need : A Louer, Au Travail, Vivre Ensemble, A la Fac, Années Lycées

The mod can also be customized in some way by adding the "Private Home" feature so that only tenants can access it. A cleaner is also added to the common areas to clean up any garbage your Sims (who are more or less careful) leave lying around.

All the info on the mod and all Le Poulet's creations can be found on his Tumblr : Down in Simsland !

What do you think about it?

About the author

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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