The Sims 4 update with infants is out!

Ca y est ! Le jour J est arrivé, la nouvelle mise à jour des Sims 4 est en ligne et est disponible sur toutes les plateformes et c’est du lourd, dans tous les sens du terme. Sur PC, la mise à jour pèse plus de 3 Go ! Autant vous dire que ce sont beaucoup de nouveautés, principalement liées aux nourrissons, la nouvelle tranche d’âge du jeu.

The Sims 4 update with infants is out!

Qui dit énorme mise à jour dit problèmes en vue, surtout pour tout ceux qui jouent avec des mods ! Pensez à les retirer jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient mis à jour par leurs créateurs respectifs. Autre source potentielle de problème, c’est la première mise à jour des Sims 4 qui sort pour tous sur l’EA App et à l’heure où j’écris ces lignes, ça coince dès la connexion, il faudra faire preuve de patience…

En tout cas, dès que vous y aurez accès, vous pourrez découvrir les nourrissons, le nouveau gameplay qui est autour et de nouveaux objets comme un landau. De nouvelles tâches de naissance ont aussi été ajoutés, il y a aussi la possibilité d’avoir des bébés éprouvettes.

The Sims 4 update with infants is out!

Lots of fixes too, in genetics, high chairs, just about everywhere! See for yourself with the patch notes:

Console: 1.71
PC: 1.96.365.1030 / Mac: 1.96.365.1230


Sul sul, Sims fans!

Aujourd’hui est un grand jour : nous avons entendu vos demandes, et il est temps de libérer les nourrissons ! Découvrez les nouveautés dans le jeu de base, ce qui vous attend dans Grandir ensemble, et certains problèmes réglés par l’équipe.

What's new?

Les nourrissons sont arrivés dans le jeu ! Avec la mise à jour gratuite du jeu de base, vous pouvez désormais interagir avec vos petits Sims plus tôt qu’auparavant, et les préparer à une vie remplie de joie. Une fois que les nouveau-nés de votre famille deviennent des nourrissons (ou si vous décidez d’opter pour l’adoption), ils ont leurs propres besoins, émotions et sentiments envers leurs gardiens.

If your Sim doesn't want to adopt or doesn't want to (or can't) get pregnant, a brand new option is available. Sims can having test tube babies through the power of science ! Sims can now ask other Sims to use a mixture of their genetic material to create new life, or do it solo... as long as they have enough simflouz.

Les Sims passent désormais moins de temps en tant que nouveau-nés. Cette étape de vie ne dure plus que quelques jours avant le passage à l’âge Nourrissons. Cela ne signifie pas qu’il n’y a pas de nouveautés pour eux ! Dès le début, les nouveau-nés semblent désormais faire davantage partie de la famille avec l’ajout de la gamme de couleurs de peau qu’ont les autres Sims. Leurs yeux ont également déjà la couleur qu’ils garderont toute leur vie. Nous avons effectué d’autres modifications de leur apparence et de leurs mouvements qui vont vraiment aider à donner l’impression que les nouveau-nés sont des membres actifs du foyer. Les gardiens ne les mettent plus dans un couffin entre les réactions, ce qui permet aux soins apportés aux nouveau-nés d’avoir l’air plus naturels. Et ce n’est pas tout ! Les bambins et les enfants peuvent interagir avec les nouveaux membres de la famille en faisant des choses comme divertir un nouveau-né dans un couffin avec un comportement enfantin.

Qui dit nouvelle étape de vie dit nouveaux looks ! Les nourrissons ont leurs propres vêtements, coiffures et accessoires, ainsi que, et c’est particulièrement enthousiasmant, leurs propres traits de caractère. Retrouvez ces nouvelles options dans Créer un Sim ! Nous avons également ajouté de nouveaux meubles, objets décoratifs, jouets et bien plus encore pour aider ces nourrissons à se sentir chez eux et à avoir l’impression de vraiment faire partie de la famille. Vous trouverez ces nouveaux objets dans la children's section from construction mode.

Once an infant is crawling, he is ready to explore places. Keep him in the right space with the new baby-proofing option for doors. Les Sims peuvent être exclus d’un espace grâce aux autorisations de porte, et désormais, les nourrissons et les bambins peuvent être gardés à l’intérieur.

We've made some adjustments to the child skills. Now Sims learn certain skills faster, and things learned as a child will matter later in life. We've also improved the UI!

Don't worry, there are also new features for your older Sims. In this update, there are new skin details in Create a Sim for all ages. Your Sims can now have birthmarks. Later, your Sims can also have stretch marks and caesarean scars.




CUS also has another fantastic new feature: you can now decide whether your Sim can produce milk or not. This new option is available in the Type from the More Details menu.

With more ways than ever for your Sims to interact, it was getting a little complicated trying to figure out what you wanted to tell your Sim to do. The good news is that the interactions have been revamped! The Interactions menu now has new sections depending on the type. For example, if you want your Sim to ask another Sim to have a test-tube baby, this is a conversation Deep thoughts. Want to give a fun gift? Try the menu Crazy behavior. There are 19 new sections in the Interactions menu to help you find what you are looking for faster!

Bug fixes

Basic game

  • The skin color of the babies in the group and home portraits should now match their skin color in the game.
  • Changing a baby's age now correctly takes into account the genetics of the parents' skin color.
  • Broadcasting a live video as a tech guru should no longer reset your Sim.
  • Family members will now call your Sim less often to ask his or her opinion about having a baby (instead, your Sim will just hear from his or her chatty aunt).
  • Hair samples in Create a Sim are now more consistent across hairstyles and ages.
  • We solved a problem where sometimes, after traveling, toddlers could no longer interact with their extended family members (Who could blame them? After a long trip, a toddler is tired, probably needs a change of clothes, a bath, a drink from their sippy cup... who would want to talk to their family under those conditions?).
  • The fear of not realizing one's dreams and the fear of having a dead-end jobappear less often and at appropriate times.
  • Les histoires de quartier accueillent désormais moins de nouveau-nés dans le monde. Elles ont réalisé la quantité de soins que nécessitent les nourrissons et ne veulent pas manquer le moindre moment précieux.
  • From now on, Sims no longer constantly abandon activities in their queue to Going to see the toddler.
  • Food that is in a container in the refrigerator now takes longer to spoil.
  • Moving to a new lot with twin babies no longer excludes one of the babies at the end of the world (much to the delight of those who think the earth is flat!).
  • Telling a toddler to run around? Now he actually runs when the interaction run around is selected (just a second: you need to tell a toddler to run around?).
  • If you could make run around a toddler, it never stopped (it's more like toddlers, I know); it shouldn't happen anymore.
  • Sims can now perform the interaction Reading for the child kneeling or standing.
  • The outfit ymBody_JumpSuitLongSleeve is now available for male Sims in Create a Sim.
  • When you choose the decoration styles liked or not in Create Sim, the options Industrial, Holidays, Events, Vintage, Art Deco, Luxurious, Rectangular and Shabby are now available.
  • The predefined looks are now a little less predefined. Choosing one does not change your Sim's hairstyle, eye color, eyebrows or beard/moustache.
  • Thumbnails have been corrected in Create a Sim to correctly display scars on the cheeks.
  • Several nursery wall decorations have been updated to improve color consistency.
  • Creating a Sim for toddlers got an early spring cleaning: if an item can't be worn by a toddler, it no longer appears in the menu.
  • Now, someone is taking care of the toddlers at the daycare; they don't have to take care of themselves anymore (how did they do that, anyway?!).
  • Alien diapers are now available only for aliens.
  • Sims now retain skin details added while in non-daily outfit categories when you re-enter Create a Sim. You're still you, no matter what you choose to wear.
    • Les enfants, les bambins et les nourrissons sont un peu têtus en matière de taches de naissance, et nous continuons à examiner ce problème, mais du moment que vous sélectionnez les taches de naissance en étant dans la catégorie Tenue quotidienne, ces Sims garderont leurs taches de naissance.
  • Toddlers can now pick up toys that have been under the bookcases.
  • Sims now move on their butts more often than expected when you tell them to sit or nap on a single or double bed.
  • Several gates, fences and stairs were casting incorrect shadows. We talked to their architects and taught them what a proper shadow is.
  • The panel Sim Statistics now indicates the total number of wishes realized.
  • Sims no longer mistake the outdoor mailbox for a wall mailbox when publishing a book. The result is the same, but without the Slip a book through the side of a metal mailbox.
  • The category Underwear for Sims kids is now correctly displayed according to their preferred clothing option.
  • Warning: acting, discuss and dance in front of the mirror really improves your skill. I'm not sure how that's possible... I've spent hours dancing in front of the mirror, and I still dance so badly.
  • Sims can properly use a mirror for practice dancing... We'll say that's why my dancing level hasn't improved.
  • Search for stuffed animals now makes it possible to get even more stuffed animals, even if they are not made of stuffed animals but rather of molded plastic.
  • Stuffed toys are now also toys and are taken into account for the Playing with 3 toys de l’aspiration Créativité pour enfant Artistic Prodigy.
  • Several textual updates have been made to the Skill Level Upgrade notifications to clarify the benefits of the skill...
  • Attempting to sleep or nap in a bed that your Sim cannot access now indicates that access is impossible.
  • Toddlers are more likely to be happy in their high chairs when their needs are met. On the other hand, they may continue to ask to be taken out of the chair if you leave them alone for too long or if another Sim comes to visit.
  • The Male sims with male clothing preference should only see the category Swimwear and not the Swimwear category...Swimwear sounds way too formal for a swimming outfit.
  • Toddlers who request Book Help, and who are more than 3 spaces away from where the Book Help action should take place, should no longer experience a failure of the action to provide the desired outcome, but rather expect Book Help to be provided to the toddlers in question.
  • Intimate Sims who choose to chat should no longer reset and cancel the interaction. Personally, I find that saying "Did you have a good day?" in the middle of an intimate moment is a reset moment.
  • Console gamers should see an improvement in input performance after opening the Relations panel.
  • The tooltip of the competence Singing has been added to all showers that support singing. Those showers that don't take on the singing are too critical of my talent!
  • Make random the things liked and disliked in Create a Sim no longer collapses the Like/Dislike panel.

Cats & Dogs

  • Extreme speed is as fast as it's supposed to be, even if there's a stray on the ground.
  • The animals will now Be nice to... other animals when you tell them to be.
  • Cats and small dogs should once again be able to move under dining room tables. This allows them to beg for food more effectively. Yippee!

Get Famous

  • Shoes are no longer deformed when Sims wear any color of ymBottom_EP06PantsVinyl_SolidBlack. 

Island Living

  • The uniform of marine biologist now includes appropriate footwear for work.
  • yfShoes_SP26CalfBoot_2ToneBrownBlack no longer includes missing leg sections if your graphic settings are low.

In college

  • It looks like the institution is finally taking Sims' skills seriously! The Sims who attend skills courses now get the correct certificate in their inventory after completing the course, not a mixology certificate regardless of the courses taken.
  • Passing the lawyer's exam now allows you to try to pass the bar exam instead of failing it immediately.
    • This exam is supposed to be difficult, but not hard at this point ...


  • The mentors of creators no longer speak in a strange language Soon available in their speech bubbles.
  • Your Sim now knows where to go when he or she is trying to improve whirlpools with the Water recycler using the option Green parts.
  • The objects that can be used Off-grid now clearly indicate this in their description.

Life in the country

  • Wooden bridges now make sounds like... well... bridges made of wood.


  • From now on, Sims who were vampires but who are now non-vampires can sleep more than 3 hours when tired.

Magic world

  • Randomly created Sims are no longer created with cursed warts.

Star Wars™: Journey to Batuu

  • The interaction Take a moonlight bath has been removed from the options for Sims who are on Batuu.

My Wedding Stories

  • That pesky blue, blank screen is finally gone! You can now plan wedding events à l’aide du téléphone ou du calendrier maintenant que les menus s’affichent normalement.
  • The Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish options when choosing a bouquet now have fewer line breaks in the middle of words.
  • You can now schedule your Wedding event on the same day as holidays in the calendar.



  • The icon Icon soon available... pour l’état d’esprit Dream of a full moon has been replaced by a beautiful Moon icon. It was definitely worth the wait!
  • Toddlers wearing the romper puBody_GP12OnesieWolf should be able to wear shoes safely from now on, without fear of their shoes tearing the feet of their onesie. Werewolves... ripping off clothes... It probably wasn't that bad, but the Sims were getting tired of mending their onesies.
  • So what if we describe a problem in developer jargon but don't fully translate it for you?
    • The LOD model ("level of detail) of werewolf Sim displays a pixel tear type deformation for the HH ("household") and the predefined Sims when they are in their bestial form.
    • Um... well, anyway, that problem is now solved.
  • The Agave Mansion restroom no longer locks your Sim inside its four walls... closing in on you, refusing to let you leave, even if you wash your hands after use... which you should do.


Professional knitting


  • Sims can now add the same knitted items in different colors to their wardrobe.


Bathroom objects


  • Wall stickers should no longer disappear when viewed from behind.
Interested in The Sims 4 news? Take a look at  The Sims 4 : Update 1.45
What do you think about it?

About the author

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

1 commentaire

  1. Avatar photo

    hey it's great the update

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