The birth of an author

Description of the quest

Every good kingdom needed a talented bard to tell tales of heroic deeds and intense battles, and the kingdom was no exception. Was the talent needed to write his tales and songs into history present in the troubadour?

  • Hero : Troubadour
  • Approaches: Hard work / Plagiarism
  • Loot: 20/30PR, 1250$, 1320PE, +++ Culture, - Security

Course of the quest

Hard Work Approach

  1. Go to the ocean
  2. Search for inspiration for 1 hour
  3. Writing a poem for the critic
  4. Read the poem to the critic
  5. Take an inspiring walk in the forest
  6. Go to the tavern
  7. Write a poem
  8. Drink
  9. Kissing a sim for the first time
  10. Doing the flip-flop
  11. Arguing with a Sim
  12. Declare a sim as your nemesis
  13. Fighting
  14. Being hungry
  15. Being very hungry
  16. Get your fill
  17. Resting
  18. Write a poem
  19. Read the poem to the critic
  20. Going on a trip
  21. Ask for advice
  22. Eating bread
  23. Wait to see if the bread has an effect
  24. Going to the cemetery
  25. Talking to a ghost
  26. Take an inspiring walk in the forest
  27. Writing a play
  28. Perform the play.

Plagiarism Approach

  1. Discussing upcoming events with the servant
  2. Go to the village to welcome visitors
  3. Meet the first bard
  4. Serve drinks to the first bard
  5. Meet the second bard
  6. Meet the second bard's partner
  7. Meet the third bard
  8. Meet the bodyguard of the third guard
Prêt à compléter des quêtes Sims Medieval supplémentaires ? Jetez un oeil au guide de la quête  A Chinchilla fur

Choice to make : The party continues / The party is over

If "The party continues :

  1. Socialize for 1 hour
  2. Thank the first bard for being there
  3. Thank the second bard for being there
  4. Thank the third bard for being there
  5. Write a song
  6. Playing the song
  7. Stealing a notebook in the village
  8. Read the stolen notebook
  9. Drink

Choice to be made : Courting the muse / Finding someone to become her muse

  1. Ask the muse about her interests
  2. Buy llama musk oil at the village store
  3. Take a bath in llama musk oil
  4. Read a romantic poem to the muse
  5. Waiting to see if the rupture works
  6. Ask the bard about the muse
  7. Writing a play
  8. Inform the consultant that you are ready
  9. Say you want to go first
  10. Play the piece
  11. Tell the sovereign that this is your room
What do you think about it?

About the author

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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