Resurrection in The Sims

Depuis Les Sims 2, Les Sims peuvent avoir une chance de revenir à la vie pour corriger leurs erreurs, notamment celles qui l’ont poussé à réparer cette radio les pieds dans une flaque d’eau… Bref, des Sims 2 aux Sims 4, vous avez la possibilité de rappeler vos Sims aux bras de la Faucheuse mais ce n’est pas tout le temps simple. Suivez le guide !

Resurrect a Sims 2

Avec le jeu de base Les Sims 2, il n’existe pas de moyen de faire revenir votre Sim à la vie, sauf éventuellement en bidouillant les fichiers du jeu avec le SimPE mais c’est un peu compliqué et tous les Sims ne peuvent pas se faire réveiller d’entre les morts avec cette méthode. On va donc se concentrer sur les possibilités offertes par les extensions.

The Resurrectomitron

Behind this name worthy of the best translations of The Sims 2 is a simple phone. This one is unlocked by reaching level 5 of the Paranormal career qui arrive avec Les Sims 2 Académie. Ce téléphone est en fait une ligne directe qui permet de contacter la Faucheuse ! Si jamais vous n’avez pas débloqué cette récompense, vous pouvez utiliser le cheat code boolProp testingcheatsenabled true or unlockCareerRewards to get it.

Resurrection in The Sims

If your Sim knew the deceased Sim, call the Reaper to attempt a negotiation. In exchange for an envelope full of simflouzs, you will be able to bring a sim back from the dead. However, be careful, the sim can come back as a zombie. Zombies are more or less normal sims, a little slower than average and with different traits than what you had chosen in the first place. The behavior of the zombie will differ from the amount you give to the reaper.

  • If you donate less than 1000 simflouzs, the Reaper takes the money but does not revive the Sims.
  • Between 1000 and 4127 simflouzs, the deceased comes back as a zombie. This one will become the sworn enemy of your Sim, its character traits will be negative and the skills will be at a minimum.
  • Between 4128 and 8512 simflouzs, the personality of the deceased will be reversed from what it was before his death. A grumpy Sim will become friendly and vice versa, etc... The skills are also decreased by 4 levels each.
  • Beyond 8513 simflouzs, the resurrection will be normal, the resurrected sim will have the same features as the deceased sim and the relationship with the sim will even be improved.
Resurrection in The Sims

The genie's lamp

On a beau dire, mais les génies ça a du génie. Parmi les voeux proposés aux Sims lorsqu’il frotte la lampe magique, arrivée avec Les Sims 2 Quartier Libre, vous trouverez « Ressusciter un Sim ». Simple et efficace.

Resurrection in The Sims


Dans Les Sims 2 La Vie en Appartement, deux sortilèges peuvent vous aider à ressusciter un Sim. Si votre Sim est un mauvais sorcier, il peut lancer le sort Vivificus Zombiae that brings a Sim back to life but in the form of a zombie.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 3:  Creating poses for The Sims 4

If your Sim is a good wizard, he can use Repousso Mortis which allows you to say no to the Grim Reaper when it comes to your land to take the life of a Sim. It's not exactly a real return to life, but it's a second chance for your Sim.

Resurrection in The Sims

Resurrecting a Sims 3

Dans Les Sims 3, vous avez de nombreuses possibilité pour repousser la date d’échéance de votre Sim, en lui offrant une chrysanthème notamment ou en la battant aux échecs. Cela dit, la Faucheuse n’a pas dit son dernier mot…

Resurrecting a ghost

After the death of one of your household members, you may receive a phone call from the local Science Lab to bring the Sim back as a ghost. If you accept, an opportunity is launched in the name of "Gosh, a ghost!". Note that this is an opportunity so it may appear days, weeks after the death or not appear at all. The process of the opportunity is quite simple in itself, place the urn in your inventory and go to the lab.

Once the ghost is created, you can make it eat ambrosia to return to its normal form.

Resurrection in The Sims

The genie's lamp

Comme dans Les Sims 2, l’extension Les Sims 3 Showtime débloque les génies. Parmi les souhaits proposés une fois encore, vous trouverez une interaction pour ramener un Sim à la vie.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 3:  Painting your ceiling in The Sims 4


Décidément, Les Sims aiment la loi des séries puisque là aussi comme dans Les Sims 2, un sortilège permet de ressusciter un Sim. Ce sort est disponible avec l’extension Les Sims 3 Super Pouvoirs à partir du niveau 10. Cliquez sur une tombe et vous pourrez faire revenir le Sim sous la forme d’un zombie.

Resurrection in The Sims

Resurrecting a Sims 4

Resurrecting a Sims 4 is particularly easy since there is only one way to do it, and that's from the base game. You just have to invite a ghost to join your home. The ghosts appear randomly at night near their grave. They can also be summoned thanks to the Book of Life. You can then talk with him, become friends if not already done and then ask him to move in with you.

Death by drowning sims 4

As soon as the Sim is in your home, you can feed it ragweeduse his own Book of Life or make a wish to the Wishing well to resurrect it!

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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