The summary of the presentation of the Sims 4 Growing Up Together pack

Ce vendredi soir, c’était soirée live avec la présentation en direct du pack Sims 4 Grandir Ensemble mais aussi de la mise à jour des nourrissons qui arrivera dans une dizaine de jours maintenant. Un live de plus de 2 heures pour montrer toutes les nouveautés qui arrivent en jeu ! Si vous préférez garder la surprise, fermez vite les yeux !

For those of you who want to find out what this new pack is all about, we've put together a translation of the two-hour presentation with a French subtitled version of the video! If you don't have two hours to spare, you can also choose the easy option and go straight to the summary below.

What's new in the update

La mise à jour des nourrissons est prévue pour sortir le 14 Mars. Cette mise à jour va être très conséquente (nouvelle tranche d’âge, nouveaux menus, etc..). Il est donc plus que probable que la plupart des mods et CC se cassent et rendent le jeu injouable si vous les conservez sans les mettre à jour. Pensez d’ores et déjà à votre stratégie si vous préférez désactiver les mises à jour automatiques du jeu ou jouer sans vos mods et CC en attendant qu’ils soient mis à jour par leurs créateurs respectifs.

  • A new age group means new objects. Infants will of course come with a whole host of items just for them. Toys, decorations, prams and even a mini fence to keep the little ones in their play area (in theory).
  • Les nourrissons pourront aimer ou non la nourriture que vous leur donnez à manger (mmmh les bonnes carottes). Leurs goûts dépendront de leurs traits de caractère. Vous pourrez leur faire tester de nouveaux goûts.
  • In a previously unannounced development, Sims will now have access to a kind of PMA/GPA. Using their phone, they'll be able to request to have a baby as a single parent, or with another Sim with whom you're friends or lovers. All for 1200 simflouzs.
  • Sims can breastfeed infants. You can choose in the CAS if a Sim can breastfeed or not.
  • Diapers will be placed on the floor unless you place a trash can near the changing table.
  • Baby clothes can be changed right in the game.
  • Children's skills have been modified. In the interface, you'll see a "fundamentals" section that includes the usual skills (creativity, mental, etc.) and a "skills" section with adult skills such as piano or charisma, whose level will be maintained as they get older.
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  • The menu for interactions with other Sims has been revised to add sub-categories. Up to now, you knew the categories "Friendly", "Romantic", "Funny",... Inside you'll now have sub-topics to sort out all the interactions present since the release of the game. For example, in "Friendly" you'll find categories for "Hobbies", "Interests", "Affection"... Some interactions won't be sorted, as shown in the image for adopting, but this will also be the case for "big" interactions like divorcing, breaking up...

What's new in the Brighter Futures package

  • Quatre nouvelles aspirations pour les enfants, des aspirations liées aux compétences
  • Your family members who come to sleep at your place can sleep in a bed if you give them one, otherwise they will take a sleeping bag.
  • You can plan a social event while family members are at home. They don't block everything.
  • New social event, family reunion where you can invite sims from your family tree, their friends and family.
  • Other social events include baby showers and sleepovers.
  • New taste categories have been added: "Sim characteristics" (if you like idealistic sims, those who love animals, etc.) and "Conversation topics".
  • Sims' tastes will influence their attraction to others. An icon for "compatible" Sims has been added to the Relationships tab.
  • In the CAS, you can choose the "household dynamics", which may change automatically in game, but it will give a basis for the relationships between your Sims.
  • San Sequoia, la nouvelle ville, possède une douzaine de nouveaux terrains, dont un 64×64.
Interested in The Sims 4 news? Take a look at  The Sims 4 Growing Up Together gameplay trailer
  • There's a cinema in town where your Sims can go. A bit like the "Like at the movies" kit, Sims can like or dislike the film they go to see.
  • You can give friendship bracelets to other Sims. If you no longer like the other Sim, you can ask him or her to return the bracelet. Being friendly with another Sim while your best friend is present could make him jealous.
  • Your Sims can keep family heirlooms in a small box to be passed down through the generations.
  • The tree house can be customized, and new toys can be added (slide, plush toys, etc.). All the items that can be used in a tree house can be found in the purchase mode search.
  • Yes, you can make crackle in the hanging huts.
  • Children can lose their baby teeth, have their teeth move and place them under a pillow. In exchange for the tooth, the tooth fairy can give a gift.
  • Sims can have a midlife crisis. When this happens, the aspiration tab will turn red to show you what your sim wants to do as an extraordinary activity. The crisis won't be over until you've finished these tasks.
  • Your Sim can make enemies at work, and they can block you from promotion.
  • Your Sim can unlock additional character traits over the course of the game, in addition to the ones you've selected. The game will suggest them to you as you interact with it. Other traits will be present only temporarily, and may disappear if your sim changes his or her behavior.
  • As an activity, the puzzles can be framed and used as decoration. You can also take your little ones to a playground (which you can also build at home). Here you'll find a variety of water games and fountains.
  • Il sera possible de voir toutes les « étapes de vie » de chaque Sim. Un peu comme les souvenirs des Sims 2.
What do you think about it?

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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