Lucie Trouille, the scarecrow of The Sims 4 Seasons

Est-ce que vous connaissez Lucie Trouille ? Sous ce magnifique nom se cache l’épouvantail qui a servi à annoncer l’arrivée de l’extension Les Sims 4 Saisons, quelques jours avant sa première bande annonce. Il s’agit aussi de l’épouvantail qui est présent dans le Mode Achat du jeu et que nous vous présentons aujourd’hui !

At first glance, Lucie Trouille doesn't look like much. She looks like an old scarecrow and can be bought for 450 simflouzs in the Outdoor Activities section of Buy Mode.

Sims 4 Seasons Scarecrow

But what is this scarecrow for ? Well, you can ask him yourself, since Lucie Trouille is alive (yes, in the masculine form, because Lucie Trouille is a Sim)! Two basic interactions are proposed : discuss and inspect.

Chat with Lucie Trouille scarecrow sims 4 seasons

The more you chat with Lucie, the more you'll befriend her. Chain together the interactions and a notification will come to inform you that you have unlocked a scarecrow costume. This is a sign that you are friends. Don't you offer costumes to your friends? Ah.

Scarecrow outfit 4 seasons

As soon as this step is completed, two new interactions are proposed. Searching for seeds in the pockets consists, as its name suggests, in retrieving seed packets from the creature's pockets. Asking for gardening advice will increase your skill, an operation you can try once a day.

Once you are friends, Lucie Trouille may get up from her pedestal and pay you a visit. Her activities will often consist of tending to your plantings. You can of course make her do other things (even this "kind" of thing...), like any other Sim. Note however that his visits are relatively short (about 5 hours), after which he will return to his post.

Scarecrow sims 4 seasons
Scarecrow sims 4 seasons
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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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