Realistic weather for The Sims 4

The Weather Realism Overhaul changes the way the game handles weather events and forecasts to make the weather more realistic.

A creation of No. 12.



What do you think about it?


Forecasts are not always accurate

Without the mod, a day forecast as cloudy will always be cloudy. With this mod, forecasts can be skewed: a day forecast to be sunny may have rain showers, or a day forecast to be rainy may remain cloudy. As a result, any number of weather events can occur with each forecast.

Modified weather forecast

In addition to the modified weather events, the names of all forecasts have been changed, and new varieties have been added, to complement the new events, such as summer fog, showers, more rain intensities, etc.
All forecasts now show the daytime temperature as well as the weather event, so you can get an idea of the weather.

Visual changes

Cloud cover, weather transitions, and the way puddles form have been altered.

Other minor changes

Changes like lighting settings and prediction thresholds that are too minor and too numerous to write here, you can see the changelog for that.

The weather of the worlds has been modified

The weather of all worlds has been redone to match real world cities, using this temperature scale.
Freezing - <0 C
Cold - 0 - 10 C
Cool - 10 - 20 C
Warm - 20 - 30 C
Warm - 30 - 35 C
Heat wave - >35 C

Oasis Springs, science laboratory Phoenix, Arizona

Willow CreekHospital, Police Station, Magnolia Promenade: Shreveport, Louisiana

Newcrest Vancouver, BC

Granite Falls Lungern, Switzerland

Windenburg Rostock, Germany

San Myshuno : Istanbul, Turkey

Forgotten Hollow Reykjavik, Iceland

Brindleton Bay Portland, Maine

Selvadorada Manacapuru, Brazil

Del Sol Valley Location: Los Angeles, California

Strangerville Roswell, New Mexico

Sulani : Saint Lucia

Glimmerbrook Cascade Gorge, Oregon

Britechester, Henford-on-Bagley : Oxford, UK

Evergreen Harbor Trieste, Italy

Mt. Komorebi Sapporo, Japan

Tartosa Palermo, Italy

Moonwood Mill Sinaia, Romania

Additional information


No. 12

Games required


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