Mod private school

Have your sims make a call to arrange an interview with the principal of the most prestigious private school, Simston! They'll come to your house for dinner, but you'll have to convince them that your family is worthy of such a prestigious education!

This is a nod to The Sims 2, and if you remember, it was extremely difficult to get into a private school. I hope this game will offer just as many challenges!

A creation of adeepindigo, SHEnanigans.



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Vous vous rappelez quand, dans Les Sims 2, les parents pouvaient inviter à dîner le directeur de l’Académie de SimCity pour avoir la chance d’envoyer leurs enfants dans une école privée ? Les créateurs de Sims ont pleuré la perte de cette fonctionnalité dans les derniers jeux Sims, malgré la difficulté de satisfaire le directeur. Cependant, SHEnanigans a comblé ce vide avec le Private School Modwhich features a new event reminiscent of the infamous Dinner with the Principal. Wealthy parents with high expectations now have the privilege of spending 500 simflouz to spend the night entertaining the principal of Simston Academy, the most prestigious (and only) private school in the world. And since your child's future is at stake, you'd better do everything you can to impress him or her.

An article also to be found on SimmedUP magazine.

To initiate the event, have an adult sim perform the "Schedule Principal's Visit" interaction in the Home section of the cell phone. This event costs 500 simflouz to initiate, and your sim will receive a notification that the principal will arrive at 6:05 pm. Prior to the principal's arrival, parents can perform the "Prepare for the Principal's Visit" interaction on their children, which will give child and teen sims a state of mind tense.

Overview of the private school model

In keeping with the tone set by The Sims 2, the director is almost impossible to please, so if you want your little darlings to get into Simston, get ready to string together actions as if you were trying to save a flailing marriage in The Sims 1. During the test, I imagined all the rich Sims families competing to see who could enroll their children the fastest. Since it took me a few tries to figure out how it all worked, superstar mom Mila Munch managed to beat out the Gothiks, Watsons, Itos, Bailey-Moons, Delgatos, Tinkers, Bjergsens and Villareals to win the director's favor, and little Lucas was thrilled to be going to Simston. Unsurprisingly, Wolfgang stayed up all night playing guitar and was late for his first day.

To get into Simston Academy, you need to get a gold rating for the event, which means you need to successfully complete 20 social interactions with the principal and 12 specific actions such as "Discussing education in a private school" and "Dinner with the principal."

Overview of the private school model

If you can convince the principal, all children and teenagers in the household can choose to attend Simston Academy by choosing the "Enroll in Private School" interaction from a computer, which will cost 1,000 simflouz per student.

D’après ce que je peux dire, il n’y a aucun avantage majeur à envoyer des sims dans une école privée, si ce n’est la satisfaction narrative et personnelle de pouvoir se rapprocher de Nancy Plénozas. Les élèves iront à l’école dans leur tenue de soirée, et les adolescents pourront “commérer sur les élèves de Simston”. Puisque ce mod nécessite le mod “Child and Teen can Quit or Rejoin School” de Triplis, qui traite l’école comme une carrière, les sims Ados qui postulent pour des scholarships students become eligible for the Workplace Scholar award. If you are imaginative, you may consider this loophole as a scholarship provided by one of Simston's many wealthy donors.

Overview of the private school model
Private school mod overview - The Sims 4

Want to save yourself time and frustration? Here are some pro tips for a successful meeting with the director:

  • To be counted, the 20 social interactions must be initiated by the sim that greeted the director. The other actions can be performed by anyone in the household.
  • While the director doesn't seem to care how you decorate, what you serve for dinner, or what your sims wear, you'll want to have a few things in your house before the event starts: a chess table with 2 chairs, speakers to play music, a bar, and a coffee or tea pot.
  • To achieve the "Talk to one or more children" goal, you can use the friendly interaction "Talk to a sim" and select a teenager. This will not work for child sims. Selecting the Director interaction "Lie about children" can also satisfy this requirement.
  • The "Toast" interaction is difficult to handle and works best when you have two playable adults standing around drinking prepared drinks in a bar.
  • Since you have to "greet" the headmaster to start the event, this will not work if you already know the headmaster (so you cannot invite him/her back the next day if you fail the event). A new principal will appear after a few days.
  • For an extra touch of nostalgia, try serving the director a carbonara dish
  • You can win the event without completing the last task, "Create a high quality dessert".

You can find the other SHEnanigans mods on Patreon.

Overview of the private school model
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adeepindigo, SHEnanigans


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