Sims at the pool.

Two new kits announced for The Sims 4

Leaked once again before their announcement, this time it's done: two new mini-kits are arriving in The Sims 4 this Thursday, September 7. On the program this time, a...

Sims changing baby's diaper .

Sims 4 100 baby challenge rules

If you've ever been bored by The Sims 4, you're bound to have come across the 100 Baby Challenge. A challenge where...

Carte de jeu des Sims, ville et rivière.

Let's play The Sims 1 again!

Cette semaine, tout est parti d’un tweet d’EA France pour voir quels sont les joueurs qui ont connu les Sims premiers du nom… Ceux qui me suivent depuis quelques années…

The best of CC Sims 4 this summer

The best of CC Sims 4 this summer

Après avoir laissé votre dossier Mods tranquille pendant vos vacances, vous vous dites qu’il est temps de rattraper le coup ? Nous avons fait un petit tour des créations qui…

Simette filling a bottle.

Making nectar in The Sims 4

You may remember the vineyards in Champs-les-Sims, that destination in The Sims 3 Destination Adventure where you could start making nectar? Well, the skill is...

Simette petting a lamb in a paddock.

Mini goats and mini sheep

Horses aren't the only animals to arrive in the Sims 4 Ranch Life pack. Tiny goats and mini-sheep join the gang!...

Simette brushing a piebald horse.

Managing your ranch and horses

It's THE new feature of The Sims 4 Ranch Life expansion: the ability to manage your own ranch, settle and raise horses. It's a...

Interior design Sims screenshot.

Painting your ceiling in The Sims 4

It was a feature that had been particularly requested by decorators and builders since the game's release, the ability to paint the ceilings of Sims homes is now...

Farm with wind turbine and antique truck.

Visit Chestnut Ridge

If you love wide open spaces, desert plains and have played Red Dead Redemption 2, then you'll love visiting Chestnut Ridge. The new town coming...

Modern Wild West saloon.

Western decor for your Sims 4

Ca ne vous aura pas échappé, non seulement il fait chaud ce week-end mais en plus Les Sims 4 nous emmènent en plein désert dans la prochaine extension Vie au…

The Sims 4 expansion ads.

The Sims 4 summer sale

The summer sales started a few days ago IRL, so you may have started to take advantage of them, even if fewer and fewer people are going into stores....

Screenshot of a Sims with a car.

Almost functional cars for The Sims 4

Vous les attendez depuis des années, vous aimeriez que vos Sims se déplacent autrement qu’à pied ou en vélo ? Il est possible qu’on ait un petit quelque chose pour…

Autoroute sinueuse en forêt montagnarde.

First details on road creation in Cities Skylines 2

Les premiers articles des développeurs du prochain Cities Skylines commencent à être publiés. Le premier article est consacré à l’outil de création des routes. Les développeurs l’ont également présenté lors…

Sims working out in a gym.

The Sims 4 athlete career

Summer is almost here and all the magazines have already made their headlines about how to get the famous summer-body. In The Sims 4, if you want to see the physique...

Simette in a flowery field at sunset.

The Sims 4 loading screens

It's the screen you like to see disappear, the one that launches as soon as your Sim changes terrain, as soon as you start the game or want to...

Home simulation, character puts away laundry.

Competition coming to The Sims?

L’ouverture à la concurrence, ce n’est pas que pour la SNCF. Depuis quelques moins maintenant, plusieurs éditeurs de jeux-vidéos tentent de se positionner face à ce mastodonte qu’est la franchise…

Sims 4 update icon

A mini update for The Sims 4

A small update has just been released for The Sims 4! Approximately 300MB in size, it contains a number of fixes for the game: a...

Rider and horse jumping a fence.

Rumors about the next Sims 4 expansion

Now that all the mini kits scheduled for release until June have arrived, it's time to focus on the summer. Last year in July, The Sims 4 Years...

Blacksmith working near an anvil.

A Chinchilla fur

This atmosphere of horses, farms and animals made me want to relaunch The Sims Medieval! We'd started writing guides to certain quests during the...

Simette petting a horse in The Sims.

CCs to decorate your Sims 4 stables

C’est un peu le thème de la semaine, les dadas ! (Non @Dada, on ne parle pas de toi mais des chevaux !) Bref, si vous êtes un peu pressés…

Simette stylish in denim jacket.

New Sims 4 kit outfits Return of Grunge

If you've been keeping up to date, Maxis announced on April 15 that it would be releasing 4 mini-kits by June. After the release of The Sims 4...

Sims discussing DIY tools.

A new Sims 4 update with bug fixes

It's Tuesday, patch day! No new in-game features for now, but lots of bug fixes. Note the "no new features for now"...

Sims urban entertainment.

Two new mini kits announced for The Sims 4

The announcement has just been made: two new mini kits will be arriving this week in The Sims 4! Both will be released this Thursday, June 1. The first, called Les...

Sims discussing DIY tools.

A new update coming soon to The Sims 4

The list of Sims 4 issues to be resolved has been updated this week! They should be corrected in the next patch, which could potentially be released as soon as...

Sims in party .

The Sims 4 music

Trouver une idée d’article pour la Gazette, ce n’est pas la chose la plus facile à faire après des années. Souvent les idées arrivent en écoutant un peu de musique.…

Family meals in The Sims.

A Sims 4 mini update with mini changes

A new SDX delivery has just been released in-game. As a reminder, "Les Sims Express Deliveries" are used to make small modifications to the game without...

Paysage verdoyant avec montgolfière et village côtier.

A trip to the University of the Sims

C’est un quartier un peu spécial des Sims 3 qui n’est accessible que si vous êtes étudiant, l’Université des Sims est pourtant un quartier très sympa à visiter ! Si…

Sims in front of a gate.

Burnouts in The Sims 4 Growing Up

We've talked about most of the new features in the Sims 4 Growing Up Together pack that concern infants and children, but we haven't yet mentioned adults. Let's...

Illustration comparing colorful and gothic clothing styles.

A new vote to choose the next Sims 4 kits

It's been a few years since it happened, Maxis is back with a new poll for the community to choose the content of two upcoming kits for The Sims...

Fill up on CC Sims 4 for a royal coronation

Fill up on CC Sims 4 for a royal coronation

Vous n’avez pas pu le louper si vous suivez un peu l’actualité, ce week-end est un week-end de couronnement chez nos voisins britanniques. Pour l’occasion, nous allons faire entrer la…