Gameplay First Pet

Couic couic ! Isn't my hamster imitation beautiful? Admit that you looked around you if there was nobody! 

Le nouvel élément de gameplay de ce kit est la cage à rongeur ! Disponible dans le Mode Achat, vous pouvez choisir quel type d’animal vous souhaitez accueillir parmi un hamster, un hérisson, un rat ou un bubalus miniature. Mais qu’est-ce donc que cette espèce ? Il s’agit en fait d’un animal extrait des cartes Créatures du vide et qui est un sorte de bélier violet miniature. Un peu comme une petite vache Milka en fait…

Rodent cage sims 4 first pet

They all work in the same way. They have three needs that you can see by hovering over the cage: Hunger, Attention and Activity. Next to it is indicated the level of the need, in green if it is happy and in red if you have to take care of it urgently.

Needs sims 4 first pet

For hunger, simply give your rodent treats from time to time or fill his bowl so he can help himself. Attention fills up when you chat with it or play with it. Be careful when playing, the larger bites can be very dangerous for your Sim. Finally, activity is a need that doesn't particularly need to be monitored, the rodent keeps busy by spinning in his wheel and running down the various slides that populate his cage.

Bite sims 4 first pet
Talking with rodent sims 4 first pet

You've played with your rodent enough and you want to let it go free? You can choose to let him out of his cage which will provide you with a sense of pride.

Free rodent sims 4 first pet
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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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