Greek God Scenario

As soon as I heard about the scenarios coming into the game and the ability to customize them, the first thing I thought of was "this will make it much easier to keep track of the objectives for the legacy challenges, once people know how to use them". With that in mind, here's a scenario that covers the first generation of the Greek Gods challenge from, I think, maxismatchccworld, specifically the Apollo generation - since the goals for that legacy are, for the most part, pretty tangible, it's a good place to start until I figure out how to "goal-ize" some of the less obvious things like befriending wildfowl and rabbits.

A creation of DaleRune.



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Due to the nature of the scenarios and the way they are coded, some objectives had to be modified slightly from the original version. "Achieve an aspiration and career" and "master an instrument of your choice" are unchanged and achievable. "Help children with homework every night of the week" is not something that can be followed more than once, unfortunately, so helping them only once will check that off. "Many loves" comes down to three loves, and "staying fit" is simply achieved by maximizing fitness. But hey, I managed to get that specific aspiration and specific career erased, so there's progress there!

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