CC Dresses for sissies

Hello, dear Gazette readers! For this week's Treasures, the columnists have unearthed clothes that your simettes will love... And yes, today, the Gazette is sharing 8 dresses found on the Internet that you're going to love! Shall we get started?

The first personalized content in this issue? A dress from Viiavi called Lana Dress ! Find the right here. Si j’ai décidé de l’intégrer dans cet article c’est parce que j’ai bien aimé sa simplicité, sa texture Maxis Match, ses couleurs claires et son décolleté, rendant le tout sexy. Pour cette robe, mon coloris préféré est le vert.

Simette des Sims en robe jaune.
Sims en robe jaune de dos.

Here's the second dress, and I love it! It is Nia Dressa creation by Pixelunivairse which you can download here. A radical change of style! This creation is much more innocent than the first. Once again, it's simple and colorful. I like the sleeves and the fancy collar... How about you?

Simette in a purple dress.
Simette in a purple dress.

Personally, I'd wear this dress to a simette getting ready to go out for the evening. It's very cocktail-like, don't you think? Well, that's what I love about this dress: when worn in a lighter color, it looks like a perfect beach dress. When it's darker, it becomes stylish! Find it here hereat Plumboxsimin the name of Ruffles Dress.

Simette, robe bleue, fond uni.
Simettele, robe bleue, de dos.

Here's a dress that's simpler than the previous ones. In fact, it's so simple that you'd be forgiven for thinking it could be a dress from the basic game! My favorite color for this one is navy blue. Now that it's in my game, I'll be able to use it as both everyday and party wear. It's a dress fromHazeliosjust here !

The Sims' Simette in a pink dress.
Simette en robe rose de dos.

I really like this dress! It's called Yves dress and its creator is AHarris00Britney. You can download it here here ! I think it's original, and I really like the fabric gradients on the skirt. The little black bow and puffed sleeves are also very pretty. It's a dress that my simettes are likely to wear very often!

Simette des Sims en robe blanche.
Simette de dos en robe blanche et talons.

The last three dresses we're going to present to you all look the same, but they each have details that make them unique! This one is called Citrine Dress and was created by artupr just here. The skirt is the same as the previous one, but the collar and sleeves are different, turning it into a pretty summer dress. I just love it!

Simette en robe d'été.
Simette en robe estivale florale.
Avatar féminin en Sims avec robe rouge.
Simette en robe rouge de dos.

The top of this 7th dress is the same as the Citrine Dress above, but the underskirt is shorter. The special feature of this very pretty dress is its color: it's available in both solid colors and several floral patterns! It's one of my favorites. Check it out at here on its creator's blog littlecakes in the name of Effie Dress.

Looking for CC downloads for The Sims 4? You might be interested in this selection:  School uniforms for The Sims

Let's finish with the last dress in this issue! Like the previous ones, the top is reminiscent of a summer dress. This time, however, the dress is longer and dressier! Note that this content is available in two versions; this is the first. On the second, the petticoat is puffier. It's called Ranze Dress and its creator is babystepsfind it here.

And that's the end of this week's Treasures! What did you think of the content presented this week? Feel free to download them if you liked them. We also invite you to visit the various creators' blogs!

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