Revenge is a dish best served cold

Hello bonjouuuur!

It's Saturday, the beginning, middle, end or nothing of a vacation - I hope you're enjoying it! Today, we're going to talk about revenge. Because yes, sometimes we have to turn a blind eye to things that annoy us so we don't get more upset, but there are other times when striking back feels good. So let's get down and dirty. And all together, because the more the merrier !

Revenge of the cactus

Revenge is a dish best served cold

Êtes-vous déjà partis en vacances en demandant à une personne de venir s’occuper de vos plantes ? Oui ? Et cela s’est mal terminé. Vous avez retrouvé Gégé le rosier dans un état pitoyable et vous avez du refaire vos plantations. Après ça, plus jamais vous n’avez confié vos clés à qui que ce soit, vous avez même abandonné l’idée de replanter et avez pris des plantes en plastique. Vous avez envie de vous venger ? Je vous comprends. Proposez à cette personne de vous occuper de ses plantes pendant qu’elle sera partie. Elle dira forcément oui (franchement, dans ces cas-là, c’est déjà compliqué de trouver quelqu’un, pourquoi refuser un ami qui viendrait de lui-même ?). Une fois qu’elle est partie, mettez des cactus partout dans la maison. PARTOUT. Tellement que votre ami/voisin/qui sais-je ne pourra pas faire un pas sans lâcher un « AÏE » avec un épine qui se plante quelque part. Laissez quelque part un petit « C’est pour toi Gégé, j’taime mon pote » et le tour est joué !

♪ Faster than the music ♫

Revenge is a dish best served cold

You must have that terrible neighbor who always finds a way to make noise when you're doing something important that requires silence. Tomorrow, you've got a job interview, an exam, or whatever, and then the music starts. Your neighbor is having a party, forgot to warn you and refuses to turn down the volume because "you understand, you're being difficult, I can still live my life. I pay my rent". You leave the house grumbling, with the nagging urge to grab a broom and bang on the ceiling (or send small projectiles into his garden if you're in a house).
So here's a simple suggestion: hold back. The best thing to do (and this is going to hurt) is to find out a little more about him. BUT WHY? Simply because, by talking to him, you'll learn about his taste in music. See where I'm going with this? Once you know what THE song is that he hates, you can play it over and over again, at loud volumes, because you too have the right to "live your life"!

This time it's YOUR turn.

Revenge is a dish best served cold

Like many people, when you come home from your day you like to slip into the shower and clear your head. But last night, like the day before and the day before that, the hot water ran out. You turn on the water, your favorite soap at the ready and a soft towel at the ready. At first, the water is lukewarm, then suddenly GLAGLAGLA it turns cold! You scream, you yell, you run out of the shower in a panic (with no clothes on!) and like a sim in panic, you run through the house, "BUT DAMN IT, THERE'S NO HOT WATER ANYMORE! It's time to get your revenge: today, you're going to take your shower very early, and a very long one at that. But just enough. There has to be some hot water left over for your water thief to start a hot shower and end up like an ice cube. NIARK

The what? Sleep, you say? Never heard of it.

After taking a cold shower listening to the terrible music of your neighbor who killed your plants (because yes, that's not what your life is about right now) you want to try to sleep to forget. But you can't. Your charming roommates won't turn off the TV? Or maybe they've come to wake you up because they need a hand with English, and of course you're better at it than they are! It's time to express your annoyance! Let them fall asleep peacefully (and take advantage of this time to do what you like), then once they're in Morpheus' arms... get yourself a bucket of water (not frozen, just cool) and poof. Believe me, after that, they'll respect your sleep without a second thought.

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