Play scene with Halloween characters.

The Sims 4 Spooky Stuff kit

EA has just announced the September 29th arrival of The Sims 4 Scary Accessories Kit! Here's the description of the kit on the official website: Your Sims would do well...

Sims using an ice cream maker.

Cooking ice cream in The Sims 4 In The Kitchen

Bonjour ! Aujourd’hui je vous propose de découvrir les glaces qui sont disponibles dans le kit « En cuisine », de quoi rallonger votre été ! Plutôt pistache, vanille ou chocolat ?…

Male Sims with cap and brick wall.

Interview with Elvira and Alfonso de Pekesims

Cette semaine, nous partons de l’autre côté de la frontière, chez nos amis espagnols. C’est une interview qui sent bon la paëlla et le chorizo, que nous vous proposons cette…

Interview with Emilie20

Elle nous régale depuis quelques mois des aventures « aventureuses » de Rico Malamor, l’un des personnages principaux du challenge « Tranche de sims ». Cela veut donc dire qu’Emilie20 est une joueuse !…

Desk with work accessories .

Office CC

Bonjour ! Cette semaine j’ai choisi « Les trésors du web » comme article, car j’ai récemment acheté une imprimante et j’ai pensé du coup, que vous aimeriez bien avoir une imprimante…

Interview with Crinrict

Cette semaine, nous partons dans la communauté allemande ! La joueuse que nous avons interviewée est l’une des plus grandes « aideuses » de la communauté ! Que ce soit sur le…

Sims urban outdoor scene in a game.

The Sims 4 : Update 1/09

A small update is available for The Sims 4 from Origin. Another is coming soon, and will allow you to place ice cream in the fridge. Hello Simmers,...

Interview with Greg from Simcookie

Bienvenue dans La Grande Interview ! Dans cette nouvelle rubrique, les chroniqueurs prendront régulièrement des nouvelles de la communauté Sims ! Elle est grande, elle est belle, elle est joyeuse…

Angerouge creations

Ma mission sims de la semaine dernière : trouver un spa qui me plaisait vraiment pour agrémenter ma ville. J’ai cherché dans la galerie longtemps, longtemps … Il faut dire…

Sims dans une cuisine moderne, style dessin animé.

Kitchen Test

Bonjour à tous, ici Alex, votre envoyé spécial de la ferme à Madeleine. Cette semaine, nous avons profité de l’absence de Madeleine qui était partie acheter du steak…pas pour elle, mais…

Inside Sims house, Sims dine and chat.

New images of the En Cuisine kit

The Sims 4 En Cuisine kit is out tonight! Before the release of the game and the trailer, here are a few images published since yesterday on the official Facebook pages...

Famille Sims devant maison .

Sims 4: Hints for future expansions

EA has just sent out a survey asking gamers which expansion themes they'd prefer. Please note that these are only hints, nothing official yet...

Sims urban outdoor scene in a game.

Sims 4 : Update 06/08

A new update is available for The Sims 4. The program includes the arrival of dishwashers and bug fixes. The patch notes are only available...

Sims dansant en discothèque .

Vivre Ensemble, the first news

A number of sites had the opportunity to find out more about the Vivre Ensemble expansion at Gamescom. French sites included the official forum and...

Sims around a campfire.

"Enjoy life in Windenburg!"

A new blog has just been published on the official website! It summarizes all the new features coming with the additional disc! Cafés, Windenburg the new town, bands...

Sims dansant en discothèque .

The Sims 4 Living Together, first details

The first features have just arrived about The Sims 4 Living Together, along with the French cover art! The game is available for pre-order on Origin (it will be released in...

Sims dansant en discothèque .

The Sims 4 Get Together ?

The SimsVIP site has just pointed out a quickly corrected error on the official site. According to them, an image was posted in the morning announcing the arrival of an additional disc, The...

Simette back view with futuristic cradle and baby.

Aliens return in The Sims 4 At Work

It's also the return of the flying saucer abduction. The male sims return pregnant with an alien polinatrix, as you can see from the photo below. A la...

Vue aérienne de quartier dans Les Sims

Magnolia Promenade

First of all, to kick off this test, I'd like to tell you about the new locations that appear with this add-on. There's a whole new area reserved for stores. So I...

Scène de fête Sims

Ambiance Patio Test

En début de semaine est sorti le jeu Les Sims 4 Ambiance Patio. Ce nouveau kit apporte comme principale nouveauté les jacuzzis mais permet également à vos Sims de modifier…

Sims à une fête élégante.

Luxury Evenings Test

Le kit Soirées de Luxe vient de sortir ! Pour un peu moins de 10€, différentes tenues et objets sont proposés, pour faire des soirées dont vous vous souviendrez pendant…

Customers in a clothing store.

Fanday At Work Report

It's Monday morning, and after a number of setbacks in the Lyon area, including a broken GPS and a new Electronic Arts headquarters in the middle of a construction zone, I'm...

Sims with Iroquois and tattoos.

The Create A Sims 4

Bonjour ! C’est un test exceptionnel que nous vous proposons cette semaine. En effet, nous avons pu tester le mode Créer Un Sim du jeu Les Sims 4. Une version…

Sims urban outdoor scene in a game.

The Sims 4 compatible with Windows 10

As the release date of the next Windows approaches, EA has announced that the game will be compatible with Windows 10 upon its release (July 29). The developers are...

Sims urban outdoor scene in a game.

Sims 4 : Update 28/07

After updates for the Sims Gratuit and Simcity BuildIt games, it's now The Sims 4's turn to update! This update doesn't...

SimCity BuildIt logo on urban background.

Simcity BuildIt update

A new version of the Simcity BuildIt application is available on Google Play and the App Store. Here's what's new in version 1.5.5: Build your city faster than ever...

Famille  jouant avec bébés malicieux.

New The Sims Freeplay update with toddlers!

Alors que les joueurs de Sims 4 attendent l’arrivée des bambins, les bébés 2.0 font leur apparition dans le jeu pour mobiles Les Sims Gratuit (disponible sur Google Play et…

Sims urban outdoor scene in a game.

The Sims 4 Bundle pack ? has released The Sims 4 Bundle Pack. As with The Sims 4, this is a digital box set (since it is only available in...

Famille Sims devant maison .

Sims 4: Patch notes for the French update

Here's a translation of the patch notes for the 09/07/15 update, to be found at Welcome, Sims fans! And now, relax. If you have any...

Sims détendu en spa .

Image gym Relaxation spa

A new image has been published by The Sims page on Twitter. It depicts the gyms and activities arriving tonight in the new pack.

Sims coming out of a sauna.

A New Image of Relaxation at the Spa

On its Twitter account, The Sims has published a new image capture, plus the trailer for "The Sims 4, Relaxing at the Spa" will be available tomorrow!  

Young Simette presenting the Animal Crossing challenge.

Animal Crossing Challenge

I've just translated and formatted this Challenge for the forum, it was created HERE and doesn't belong to me in any way. The Animal Crossing Challenge represents a new...

July 9 special construction update

A new game update appears to be scheduled for The Sims 4 on July 9. Taking a look at the game files, it would appear that this update...

Sims in a beauty salon.

Some information about Relaxation at the Spa

SimGuruSarah answered a few questions from players last night on Twitter. Here's the important information to remember about the pack: Spa is a new type of terrain....

Sims in a beauty salon.

The Sims 4 Relaxation Spa Package

The new cover for the Relaxation at the Spa pack has been published in English. As a reminder, the game will be released on July 14th ;) Thanks to Simscommunity for the image

Sims in a beauty salon.

Relaxation at the Spa arrives on July 14th

A new blog post has been published on the official website, announcing the arrival of the Relaxation at the Spa game pack. A moment of relaxation at the spa After...