Pregnancy mods in The Sims 4

A few months ago we did an article on the different ways the Sims could do in The Sims 4It's all very well, but it's not very realistic. That's all well and good, but it's not very realistic... The machine that retrieves the baby from the simette's belly with its big claw is the most obvious example. Why not take a look at the Sims 4 mods and see what's out there? Here's a small selection of content to make your Sims' pregnancy even more realistic!


One of the major milestones in IRL pregnancies is, of course, the first ultrasound scan, when you start to get a relatively clear picture of the baby. Thanks to LittleMsSam echograms are now available in The Sims 4, and I think the idea is incredible. All your Sim has to do is pick up the phone, spend 75 simflouzs and, when he or she returns, come home with a framed picture of the child!

Pregnancy mods in The Sims 4

The ultrasound will also reveal the sex of the baby and the number of offspring. As for the image, it will put Sims in a positive frame of mind.

A more realistic birth

As mentioned in a previous issue of the Gazette, Pandasama has developed a mod to make childbirth a realistic experience. Caesarean section, vaginal delivery, dilatation, massages to accelerate the baby's arrival or even birth in a swimming pool - a whole vocabulary that Maxis has summed up with a Sim who disappears for a few hours in hospital before returning with a baby in her arms. If you're looking for realism, you're in for a treat!

Pregnancy mods in The Sims 4

Kimikosoma wrote an article about this mod, which we'll let you rediscover. here.

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Change in chances of having a baby

We continue with a much simpler mod that modifies the chances - or risks, depending on your point of view - of having a baby by doing hocus-pocus.

Remember, there are two ways to make whoopee in The Sims 4. The classic interaction and the one called "trying to make a baby". With this mod, the basic interaction has been renamed "risky snap". In a nutshell, it's a protected poop with a certain percentage of chance of things going wrong...

This won't be the only criterion taken into account when deciding whether your Sims are expecting a baby. Character traits will also play a part! Traits like Immature or Parresseux, which correspond to Sims with a bit of a head in the air, will have a higher risk than other Sims with traits like Hates Children or Perfectionist. I'll leave it to you to check the traits concerned on the mod page.

This mod impacts the game's entire fertility system. There's also the possibility of choosing the probability of the "try to make a baby" interaction, the probability of having infertile Sims, and above all, all these new features are set individually for each Sim, making your game all the more realistic.

Morning sickness

Still by the same creator, PolarBearSims, a mod which, this time.., eliminates the state of mind that warns you of impending nausea. Your Sim will still have a percentage chance of vomiting in the morning, but you won't be warned 3 hours before it happens, which spoil things a bit.

Pregnancy mods in The Sims 4

Complete overhaul of pregnancy by Lumpinou

This is the big mod that will change everything about your characters' pregnancy. The Relationship & Pregnancy Overhauis almost 18 mods in one download. To be exact, it's a base file and 18 extensions that you can install or not, as you wish. Kimikosoma offers a French translation which you can find on his website.

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With this mod, every Sim has a whole new set of preferences. The first of these is whether or not to have children. You no longer need to have a special "hates children" character trait, you can save your slots for something else and indicate the choice in the mod. Each Sim has a default preference that can evolve over time. This preference will have an impact if other Sims talk to you about having children, and your Sim will react more or less well.

Another preference is whether or not you want to have children. This will influence your Sim's mood while he/she is pregnant. No doubt a Sim who is abducted by aliens and returns with a little bun won't be the happiest...

Pregnancy mods in The Sims 4

On the "snogging" side of things, there's the possibility of using and buying contraception, of getting sick with an STD, and of having a percentage chance of teenagers getting pregnant after using the "snogging" interaction.

Pregnancy mods in The Sims 4

And finally, there's a whole "relationship" aspect to mod that we won't go into today, such as more developed jealousy, the possibility of a couple taking a break, or deciding who gets to keep the kids after a separation. I'll let you take a look at the guide prepared by Kimikosoma in the link above, which goes into more detail on these subjects.

What do you think about it?

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A Sims player since the second opus, I've been Amaz'Sims's webmaster since 2012. I'm part of the EA Creator Network program and the "heroes" team on the EA AnswersHQ forum.

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    too good

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