The Sims 4 Outdoor Test

Today, it's live from Ythyl's villa that we will test the new kit In the open air. What could be better than a little party with friends to better understand the whole thing... Of course, all the staff was invited!

sims 4 outdoor slide mat

But first, in order to prepare, a little tour of the new toys we have in stock. On the hairdresser side, we win 3 men's cuts, 3 children's cuts, and 5 women's cuts. It is a rasta cut and short cuts for the rest. For my part, I love the square for little girls, too bad it does not exist in adult!

Hairstyles sims 4 in the open air

On the clothing side, there are a lot of new clothes for women, a little less for others...

Sims 4 outdoor clothing
Sims 4 outdoor clothing

Ensuite, quittons le CAS pour aller faire du shopping au coin décoration avec 39 nouveaux objets. Parmi ceux-ci, vous retrouvez bien sûr les fameux tapis de glissade, les carillons, le pichet à jus et la mangeoire à oiseaux. Mais parlons ici des objets moins publicitaires. Les 9 premiers forment un ensemble salon de jardin. J’apprécie le fait qu’ils soient vraiment assortis, jusqu’aux nappes et coussins. C’est agréable de ne pas devoir modifier les objets dans le studio pour être coordonné. Vous avez également le tapis qui va avec. Pour le reste, vous trouverez de la décoration de jardin avec des fleurs en pot, des papillons et fleurs sur piquet à planter un peu partout sur votre pelouse, et des stickers. Sachant que ces-derniers, en forme de grenouilles et de fleurs, ont leur jumeau en tapis. Vous avez, au rayon électronique, une nouvelle sono pour mettre l’ambiance jusqu’au bout de la nuit. Et pour bien prolonger la soirée, un éclairage en forme de fleurs (faut bien rester dans le thème). Bougies, cadres, nichoir sans gameplay (quelle idée ?!), lanterne et échelle complètent la collection… J’ai beaucoup apprécié de redécorer mon jardin avec ses nouveaux achats. Je suis juste perplexe sur l’intérêt de nous proposer un nichoir non fonctionnel, pourquoi ne pas y avoir mis le même gameplay que sur la mangeoire ? Après, je ne suis pas fan des tapis/stickers grenouilles et fleurs, trop kitchs à mon goût. Mais les goûts et les couleurs (enfin surtout les couleurs, là) cela ne se discute pas.

Objects sims 4 in the open air

Last detour before attacking the party, in the construction department. You will find 3 new items. First, a ball bush with strange colors... Personally, I find it nice, but it reminds me more of the kit Katy Perry that a kit that wants to be realistic. Then, a frog fountain is also available, frogs are definitely in the spotlight. Too bad we can't catch new specimens... Oops, we're not talking about collection today! To come back to the construction, we close with the famous barrier that was presented by the simguru before the launch and that comes, as announced, with the matching portal.

Construction sims 4 in the open air

If with all this, you still lack ideas to decorate your garden, the Simgurus have prepared 3 ready-to-play models that you will find in the rooms.

sims 4 outdoor predefined rooms

Now that we've finished shopping, we can get to the heart of the matter, the party at Ythyl. Of course, the center of all the attention was the newly installed slide carpet at the edge of the pool. Everyone went for it, doing their own tricks... With more or less success. Some, wiser, preferred to do simple slides or, like Caroline, to watch from the edge. Ythyl being one of them, she took the opportunity to take some pictures. In fact, it's mostly that she wanted to complete her collection of compromising pictures, that can always be useful one day... Anyway, let's see the pictures (and yes, there is still Dada who shows off...) !

Sims 4 outdoor slide
Figures sliding sims 4 in the open air
Sims 4 outdoor slide
Sims 4 outdoor slide
Sims 4 outdoor slide
Sims 4 outdoor slide

It is important to know that doing figures requires a good level of fitness. The lower the level, the more you risk the fall... On the other hand, by dint of trying, you will eventually improve. They say that ridicule doesn't kill... As long as you have a bed to hide in, everything is fine!!! After that, Fluffy had the good idea to add soap to make it slide even better. The problem (or the advantage, question of point of view) is that it made a lot of foam, and so we don't recognize the people on the pictures !

Sims 4 outdoor sliding pro

Finally, all this sport, it digs. Also, we enjoyed a good barbecue at noon. And our dear Dada took the opportunity to show us his talents as a chemist with the pitcher. And yes, I said chemist: because the super fresh tea is obtained thanks to a powder! The proof in pictures :

Preparing sims 4 drinks in the open air
Sweet tasting sims 4 outdoor drink
The Sims 4 Outdoor Test

Besides, if I were you, I'd be wary of that powder, Alex didn't look good after that! He sat there for quite a while contemplating the chimes. Then he was much more Zen. I tried to adjust the pitch to high, but it didn't stress him more than that... It was a good try though!

Outdoor sims 4 chime

Meanwhile, the activities resumed in earnest. While some of us went back to sliding, Ythyl went away to fill the bird feeder with seeds. With Dada (yes, him again), she watched all the little sparrows, robins and others that pounced on the meal. Their melodious chirps (well, maybe not the crow's croak) made them happy... And in a great mood to invent new tricks! Or laugh at Sorenza when Caroline tells us that the day before, the birds attacked her while she was filling the feeder. One would not have believed that it could be dangerous, a bird !

Bird feeder sims 4 in the open air
Bird watching sims 4 in the open air
Bird watching sims 4 in the open air

In short, it was a nice day. In any case, we had a lot of fun! And we are very happy to have tested this new kit for you. Of course, there are some disappointments. It would have been really nice if the birdhouse had been functional or if there had been a little more content. But the gameplay of the sliding mat and the feeder adds a real plus to the game. I did not, however, experience the bird attack myself. Ythyl is too scary, they didn't dare to attack her... So, thanks to Caroline who shared her experience with us! I am disappointed that this kit does not add a collection. Pictures of birds could have been fun!
Anyway, enough talk, I'm tired of my day, I'm going to bed.

The Sims 4 Outdoor Test - Amaz'Sims
The Sims 4 Outdoor Test

We have tested for you The Sims 4 Outdoor kit. Discover the new Buy Mode features, the new outfits, the slide mats and more!

Price: 14,99

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Operating System: Windows 10

Application Category: Game

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