How to run a successful farm in The Sims 4?

The opportunity to live your best farming life is finally available in The Sims 4. The latest expansion pack, Life in the Country, gives Simmers access to farm animals such as cows, llamas and chickens, and adds new features that make your farming fantasies a reality. But make no mistake. Just like in real life, farming in The Sims 4 is hard work, but we've got you covered with some super useful tips and tricks to help you create and run a successful farm in The Sims 4.

How to start and run a successful farm in The Sims 4

To begin

L’extension Sims 4 Vie à la Campagne peut être achetée sur Origin ou votre plateforme respective et ajoutée à votre jeu. Les prix de cette extension varient mais coûtent généralement entre 30 et 40€.

To begin your farming adventure, you'll need a few things.

A land. Life in the Country has been delivered with a new world, Henford on Bagley. Living in this world at the beginning of your farming adventure will be convenient and help you learn the tools of the trade.

In addition to your plot of land, you will need the barn which you can find in the Purchase Mode catalog. The animal shelter allows you to own cows or llamas, and you will need a chicken coop if you wish to raise poultry. Each shelter can contain an animal (cow or llama) and you can have up to 8 chickens per chicken coop. Place these items on your property and select the animal you wish to purchase from the pop-up menus they offer.

Start small

You may want a large family farm right away in your excitement, but it is best to start small. Start with a single animal shed and a few chickens at most. The same rule applies to new farm plots in the game. It's best not to create too large a garden area, or you may find yourself overwhelmed.

A small farm can be just as successful as a large one and is much easier to manage, especially if you are on your own to learn the ropes of this new career. Don't get carried away with your enthusiasm. Instead, try to get a larger operation over time.

How to run a successful farm in The Sims 4?

Be prepared to make a commitment

Just like in real life, farming takes a lot of hard work and dedication. If you dream of running a successful farm, you need to stick with it. When you begin this new journey, you must be prepared to say goodbye to your Sims' social life. Farming involves getting up early in the morning and staying up late at night. There are animals to feed and clean, plants to tend to constantly, and endless trips to town to sell your crop for a few simflouz. Be prepared to work around the clock if you want to succeed.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 4:  The Sims 4 Story Mode

Although it may seem tiring (and it is), running a farm is extremely rewarding.

Ask for help

The best additions to the Cottage Living expansion pack are the wild rabbits and wild birds.

Birds and rabbits live in the tree stumps found in Purchase Mode. If you place these items on your property, you will see them hanging out in your yard. You can then befriend these creatures through various interactions and eventually ask them to help you in the garden. Rabbits and birds will help you to repel weeds and insects to keep your crop healthy. Even the wild foxes can be useful as they will drop interesting gifts around your plot, and being friends with a fox means you can ask it not to steal your hens' eggs.

You can also place Lucie Trouille on your property and ask him to help you with your gardening. Lucie Trouille is a scarecrow that comes with the basic game. Usually used as a decorative element, Lucie Trouille comes to life in Vie à la Campagne and weeds, waters and harvests your crops for you. The crops that Lucie Trouille collected can be found in your home inventory.

To go even further into the game, we can offer you another tutorial on The Sims 4:  The Sims 4 Field Challenges

Lucie Trouille is also useful to improve the social skills of your Sims, because you won't make many friends running a farm.

Create a practical layout

The layout of your farm in Cottage Living is critical to your success. Crops that are too far apart or too scattered will slow your progress.

You will need several trash cans on your property, and you should have at least one near your animal shelters and coops for quick cleanup.

Your crops should be close together and easily accessible. Sims are notoriously slow to complete tasks, so make it easy for them by placing items that require daily maintenance in an easily accessible location.

Once you get your farm up and running, you'll see how your Sim works, and you can make changes that will make farming more efficient.

How to run a successful farm in The Sims 4?

Choose your crops wisely and tend them often

In addition to where you place your crops, the choice of crops you choose to grow is critical. Vie à la Campagne offers the possibility to growing giant plants.

Pumpkins, lettuce, watermelon, eggplant and mushrooms can all be grown on the new garden plots included in this expansion pack. As these plants grow, they merge in the center to form a giant plant. This giant plant needs to be fertilized daily. So, the giant crops will not make much money in the end because of the cost of the fertilizer. However, you will get fertilizer by cleaning out the chicken cages. So, you can essentially grow large crops for a little more than the cost of the seeds. Giant vegetation can also be displayed at the Fenwick Fair, where you have a chance to win cash and prizes.

How to run a successful farm in The Sims 4?

An article to be found on SimmedUP magazine.

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About the author

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K8 Simsley is a wild woman of many words. A freelance writer in Ontario, Canada, she hates winter and the cold. K8 Simsley earned a degree in psychology/sociology while caring for a couple of little people who call her mom. A seasoned Sims player, she now spends her time building while dreaming of living on the beaches of Bali. K8 Simsley also has a YouTube channel that she uses to share her creations, and she is active on Twitter.

Always full of ideas, K8 Simsley's "Simspiration" is infectious and sure to inspire your next sims adventure!

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