Femme peignant dans Les Sims 4, scène nocturne.

La compétence peinture des Sims 4

Parmi les compétences les plus classiques des Sims 4, on ne peut pas oublier la compétence Peinture. Présente dès la sortie du jeu de base mais aussi dans les opus…

Personne en cape écrit sur ordinateur sombre.

La compétence Thanatologie des Sims 4

C’est une surprise qui arrive avec l’extension Les Sims 4 A la Vie, à la mort, une compétence entière dédiée à la thanatologie. C’est plus compliqué à écrire qu’à apprendre…

Sims pointing to a dog in the living room.

The Sims 4 Dog and Cat Training skill

By training dogs and cats to do tricks, your Sims can gain a dressage skill. This skill, naturally reserved for the Sims 4 Dogs and Cats expansion, is made up of...

Sims in the gym.

The Sims 4 Fitness skill

If there's one skill that just about every Sims 4 player has explored in one way or another, it's Fitness. You're bound to have...

Child playing with dollhouse.

The Sims 4 toddler skills guide

Toddlers arrived a few years ago now in The Sims 4, in 2017 to be exact. Since then, they've taken the spotlight from the infants who unlock...

Sims at a food stand.

The Sims 4 Selvadorian Culture skill

As the school vacations come to an end, our Sims are off again for a few days in the Selvadorada jungle thanks to the Sims 4 In the Jungle game pack....

Sims looking at a microscope.

The Sims 4 Gemmology skill

Most of the Sims 4 Crystal Creations kit takes place around this gemmology table. This is where your Sim can practice cutting stones....

Two Sims chatting happily.

The Sims 4 comedy skill

If your Sim loves humor, the Comedy skill will be a breeze to learn! The Comedy skill refers to your Sim's ability to make jokes and...

Sims playing guitar outdoors

The Sims 4 Guitar skill

It's a skill we sometimes forget, so much so has it become a part of everyday Sims life. Among the musical instruments in The Sims 4 base game, you'll find...

Sims using a kitchen blender.

The Sims 4 DIY skill

It's one of the game's iconic skills, present since the very beginning. The DIY skill corresponds to your Sim's ability to repair objects and make them...

Simette filling a bottle.

Making nectar in The Sims 4

You may remember the vineyards in Champs-les-Sims, that destination in The Sims 3 Destination Adventure where you could start making nectar? Well, the skill is...

Simette in The Sims Futurist.

The Sims 4 Rocketry skill

In The Sims 4, you can set up a rocket in your own garden and practice a brand-new skill called rocketry. This rocketry skill is of course...

Two Sims in front of a house.

The Sims 4 charisma skill

On this Valentine's Day, there's nothing like zooming in on the Charisma skill. This skill will determine how well your Sim performs in his or her...

Sims with crystal ball and magic apparition.

The Sims 4 Paranormal Psychic skill

The Sims 4 Paranormal kit introduces spiritualism and psychics. These are very useful skills for your career as a paranormal investigator, but also to help you...

Astronaut catching a fish.

Fishing in The Sims 4

This week, we put on our overalls and boots to discover, or rather rediscover, the Fishing skill in The Sims 4. In this guide, we'll take you through the...

Mountaineer climbing a snow-covered rock face

The Climbing skill with Snowy Escapade

You've heard of indoor climbing with the Fitness kit, now discover bare-handed climbing with The Sims 4 Snowy Getaway expansion. This skill will be particularly useful for those who want to...

Skier in action on a snow-covered slope.

How to ski, sled or snowboard?

This is of course the new feature of The Sims 4 Snowy Getaway expansion: winter activities have arrived for the first time in the history of The Sims, or at least...

Sims city scene with characters .

The Sims 4 Comedy skill

Our Sims make us laugh, but they like to laugh too. That's what the Comedy Skill is for. It's ideal for Sims who work in...

Sims in knitting costume, seated.

The Sims 4 Knitting skill

This is the main new feature in The Sims 4 Pro Knitting kit, and luckily, you'll tell me, knitting! For your Sims, it's a new skill to...

The Research and Debate competence

The Research and Debate competence

This week, we take a look at the Research & Debate skill that's coming with The Sims 4 College expansion. Let's find out how to progress and what the advantages are...

Create servo sims 4 in college

Robotics and Servos Competence

Here are two new features in the Sims 4 A La Fac expansion that go together well enough, in my opinion, to put them together in the same article. I...

Sims playing and watching a Sims.

The Video Games skill

Do you play video games? So do your Sims 4. The video game skill unlocks several advantages, including the ability to enter game tournaments to win a few simflouzs....

Gardening in The Sims.

Florists in The Sims 4 Seasons

Today, I've tested the florist's trade for you! How with the arrival of the "Seasons" addon, everything has changed for the better with the Floral Composition skill!...

Simette cooking in The Sims.

The Sims 4 Cooking Skills

Hello everyone! This week in Cette Semaine, we're continuing to discover new skills. Today, we're going into the culinary field! Why culinary?

Sims family in living room.

The Sims 4 education skill

This week, I'd like to take a closer look at the 10-level education skill. To progress in this skill, the best way is to educate your children by teaching them...

Simette in costume, playing the piano.

The Sims 4 Vampire Organ skill

This week, I've decided to introduce you to a musical instrument we're used to seeing in churches, but which has recently appeared in our games via...

Child playing with colored cubes.

Sims 4 toddler skills

It was last week and it blew us all away; I'm talking of course about the arrival of toddlers and with them ... 5 new skills....

Sims doing karaoke.

The singing skill in The Sims 4 City Living

Introduced with the Vie Citadine add-on, the 10-level singing skill will make you the king of karaoke, or at least the king of your bathroom. Cleverly...

Screenshot of game with DJ .

DJ skill in The Sims 4 Get Together

Before your astonished eyes, Lady the sublime will brave all dangers to discover a new skill that's both dangerous and impressive... DJing!.... What do you mean she...

Sims dancing by the sea.

The dancing skill in The Sims 4 Get Together

Since the "Vivre ensemble" add-on, dancing has become a skill in its own right, with 5 levels of progression. Now you can show off your dream body (or not...

Simette taking a selfie.

Photography in The Sims 4

Hello ! Today, for your eyes only, we're going to cover the basics of the "Photography" skill, which isn't discussed enough at social events. This skill is only available with...