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Sims changing baby's diaper .

Sims 4 100 baby challenge rules

If you've ever been bored by The Sims 4, you're bound to have come across the 100 Baby Challenge. A challenge where...

Interrogation, policeman, suspect and detective.

Challenge Sims 4 Gérer une prison

It's a rather original challenge that we're presenting to you today, it was created in 2015 on the official forum by Babou27, at a time when The Sims 4 Au...

Sims Simette in red dress.

The 33-day CAS challenge

Hello everyone! It's back to school, it's autumn, in short, it's the perfect time to try new things in the Gazette! This week we've put together a...

Cluttered and neglected house with car.

Construction challenges for The Sims 4

Construction challenges are all the rage, and YouTubers are always trying out the latest and greatest challenges in their construction videos. The Sims 4 construction challenges...

Colorful, stylish living room interior.

The Doll House Challenge

Hello Amazons! This week, Linette tells you what she's discovered on social networks dedicated to sims! And you'll see, it's all too cute...

Two characters in a living room in The Sims.

Challenge CUS - 25 males in 25 days

Linette, our favorite mistress, introduced us to this challenge last week, thanks to her. It smells of testosterone, golden muscles and frizzy hair. It's Day 25...

The Best Breeder" folder with Simette and dogs.

The Best Breeder Challenge

In this Let's Play, I play the Best Breeder Challenge, designed by Missou GaminG! RULES OF THE BEST BREEDER CHALLENGE: Goal: Take care of 7 animals from...

Sims family posing together.

Slice of Sims: Demonic Children

Hello, my name is William and this is my family: Günther, my husband, and Carl and Angelika, our two children. We recently moved into your neighborhood...

Alternative text: "Slogan DES CHALLENGES POUR NOS SIMS!

Challenge of the human family

Dear sim players,You've probably already tried or at least heard about these famous challenges we do with our sims. From legacy to...

Invitation Snow White and Prince, handwritten text.

Disney princesses challenge

Hello, hello, hello, hello! Today we're meeting again for a new challenge translation this time... On Disney princesses! Yes, yes, I know, right after the Zombie challenge, but after all, why...

Gothic "SURVIVE?" logo in gradient.

Halloween Challenge: Can you survive?

Trust no one... Talk to no one... Look at no one. These are the rules you've enforced since the epidemic began. You live in a store...

Two Sims and a cat.

Sims Slice: Sylvain's metamorphosis

Dear Diary, I'm writing to you today because I'm fed up. My self-image isn't getting any better. I'm well aware that I'm a real loser...

Sims taking a selfie.

Sims Slice : The couple of opposites

It's impossible to find such a stupid roommate! He's all sweetness and softness, full of good feelings and an easy smile. What a horror! He's...

Young Simette presenting the Animal Crossing challenge.

Animal Crossing Challenge

I've just translated and formatted this Challenge for the forum, it was created HERE and doesn't belong to me in any way. The Animal Crossing Challenge represents a new...

Simette with moustache.

Sims Slice: Rico Malmor Trapped

Buongiorno! I'm Rico, Rico Malamor. I've just moved in with the Sims 4 (very welcoming people, really) and I'm dreaming of meeting new people... women, if you know what I mean...