Intérieur de maison minimaliste en vue aérienne.

The Sims' life in an apartment

Vos Sims envisagent d’habiter dans un immeuble mais ils hésitent à sauter le pas ? Nous avons essayé de lister pour vous les bons et moins bons côtés de la…

Vue aérienne d'une ville virtuelle avec toit-terrasse.

Aspiration Sim from the city

Les Sims venant de San Myshuno peuvent avoir une aspiration spéciale leur permettant de profiter d’avantages spéciaux. Niveau Tâches pour passer au niveau suivant 1 – Touriste Se présenter à…

Simette devant écran avec options de réseaux sociaux.

The Sims 4 City Living Social Networking Career

Cette semaine, ma jeune sims a décidé de vivre une vie plus high-tech ! Et pour cela elle s’est offert un nouvel ordinateur mais surtout une nouvelle carrière ! Voyons…

Sims faisant du karaoké.

The singing skill in The Sims 4 City Living

Introduced with the Vie Citadine add-on, the 10-level singing skill will make you the king of karaoke, or at least the king of your bathroom. Cleverly...

Sims conversant.

The Sims 4 City Living political career

Il y a encore quelques semaines, la vie des sims était paisible et sans souci aucun. Le quotidien et la communauté s’organisait seule, de façon naturelle et autonome. C’était sans…

Kiosque virtuel avec vendeur et cliente.

City Living Festivals

Arrivés avec le nouvel add-on Vie Citadine, les festivals sont les rendez-vous incontournables du nouveau venu dans la panoplie des jeux Sims. Aujourd’hui dans votre rubrique, mon simself va faire…

Graffiti coloré, "Les Sims 4 Vie Citadine".

Try to win a City Living mural

EA vous propose de remporter une fresque sur le thème de Vie Citadine, fresque qui a été réalisée lors du fanday du jeu début Octobre. Vous voulez avoir une oeuvre…

Futuristic city at night with illuminated advertising.

The Fashion District of San Myshuno

Hello les shoppeurs et haut les cœurs ! Ce dimanche pluvieux ne pouvant vous servir à rien d’autre qu’à déambuler de façon gracile et gracieux sur le forum, j’en profite…

Sims searching in a box.

The collections of Vie Citadine

Comme vous ne vous y attendez pas du tout, cette semaine nous allons découvrir… certains aspects de la Vie Citadine de nos Sims. Et comme je suis moi, nous allons…

Sims playing a Sims.

It's time to discover Vie Citadine!

It's time to discover the City Life extension, that's the name of the new article which has just been posted and which will taunt you if you don't live in America...

Sims surpris par feu de bouche.

Urban Life launch trailer

Alors que le jeu ne sort que Jeudi en France, nos lointains voisins américains peuvent déjà jouer à l’extension et à cette occasion, un nouveau trailer du jeu est sorti.…

Sims playing basketball in town.

Fanday The Sims 4 City Life, review

Enfin ! Nous sommes le 24 Octobre et il est 16h ! Il est temps de vous en dévoiler plus au sujet des Sims 4 Vie Citadine ! En effet,…

Aerial view of a colorful virtual city.

Discovering San Myshuno

Ah, San Myshuno, ses vaches, ses fermes et ses paysans… Ah on me dit dans mon oreillette que je ne regarde pas les bonnes images, ah oui en effet, c’est…

Sims playing basketball in town.

Discovering the gameplay of City Living

Et c’est parti pour une immersion dans le gameplay ! J’aurais aimé vous faire découvrir des nouveautés exclusives et je suis sûre que c’est ce que vous attendez. Malheureusement Electronic…

Simette eating pasta in town.

Your questions

A l’annonce de notre participation à l’événement, vous nous avez posé vos questions au sujet de l’extension. Nous avons bien sûr pris toutes nos interrogations dans nos sacs afin d’y…

Sims reacting to a fire-eater.

The Spice Festival is coming to town!

Festivals are one of our favorite new activities in The Sims 4 City Life* expansion pack (coming in November), as they send Sims from our new city...

Sims having fun with selfies and bubbles.

Go to the Geek Convention!

Festivals are one of our favorite new attractions in The Sims 4 City Life* expansion pack (to be released in November), as they send Sims from our diverse city to different neighborhoods...

Two Sims kissing, romantic setting.

The San Myshuno love festival

Festivals are one of our favorite new activities in The Sims 4 City Life* expansion pack (coming in November), as they send Sims from our new city...

Colorful market in The Sims.

The flea market of San Myshuno

Festivals are one of our favorite new activities in The Sims 4 City Life* expansion pack (coming in November), as they send Sims from our new city...

Indoor Sims scene.

The City Living Humor Festival

Festivals are one of our favorite new activities in The Sims 4 City Life* expansion pack (coming in November), as they send Sims from our new city...

Karaoke scene in The Sims.

City Life: Start karaoke!

Feel like singing? Karaoke is coming to the City Life expansion, and here are a few details about it. Aaaah, karaoke! We love it so much. Local residents...

Market scene in The Sims.

Coming to The Sims 4 this fall/winter

You know the drill by now: every season or so, a short video presents what's coming up in the game. Here's the program for the end of the year! In...

Animated cooking competition in The Sims.

San Myshuno city chat in replay

Here's the replay of the chat that aired this Friday where SimGuruJill and SimGuruRomeo go into detail about the new city of San Myshuno, Object mode and a little...

Basketball court in Sims

Festivals and markets of San Myshuno

In a new blog post just posted, we discover various points that make San Myshuno a city full of life with the presence of festivals,...

The Sims' futuristic cityscape.

"How did we build San Myshuno?"

A new article is available on the official blog, this one presenting the city of San Myshuno with rather few images, mostly a glimpse of the modern district. Sul Sul! We are...

Two video game characters at the pool.

City Life : Discover the terraced apartments

A new article on the official blog tells you more about the penthouse apartments that will be available in the game's next expansion. Welcome to San Myshuno!...

Sims in a living room.

The construction of the apartments in Vie Citadine

  It will therefore be impossible in the next expansion to build our own buildings, as indicated by SimGuruNeel. Similarly, these buildings will only be available in the new...

Sims chatting.

Apartments in City Life

A new article on the official blog gives details of apartments, one of the main new features of the City Life expansion. Welcome to San Myshuno, the new world of The Sims 4 City Life* (released...

Sims singing karaoke.

The Sims 4 City Life coming in November

Update 7:30 pm: Small communication problem regarding the release date. The game should be out on November 3 and not November 1. The next...

A trailer for The Sims 4 City Life tomorrow!

It's official: The Sims 4 City Life is coming! When, where, what? So many questions that may be answered tomorrow in the expansion trailer. In the meantime...

Sims chatting in a Sims street.

First details about the future extension?

For the past few days, the SimsCommunity website has been receiving anonymous e-mails containing information about what is thought to be the next Sims 4 expansion. If the method can be...

Screenshot of Classificação Indicativa jogos website

The Sims 4 going to town soon?

The Brazilian site OSimBR has just found a rating for a game called "The Sims 4 City Life" on a Brazilian rating site (the equivalent of our PEGI). Is it...